Sword Of Truth Magic Sword

Sword Of Truth Magic Sword – Amazing magic math trick. This is our math magic project from Stephen Minch’s “Collected Works of Alex Elmsley”. The 8 different alder wood swords are great and give the moves a nice flash. Each sword has 6 different numbers. (A total of 48 different numbers are used by all swords). Each sword is approximately 5 1/2″ long and 1/8″ thick. For your convenience, they will be fastened on a chain or can be easily detached, as shown in the photo.

Ask the spectator to choose one of the swords after the number on that sword, keeping that number secret. You can also choose up to 8 swords at random.

Sword Of Truth Magic Sword

Sword Of Truth Magic Sword

Then just let them mark the shapes (squares or circles) around the numbers on the sword, but they must lie about the shape around the chosen number. At no point do they say a number out loud, and at no point during the trick are you able to see the swords. Surprisingly, you will be able to name the numbers correctly.

Magic Sword Cuts Through Evil With Music

I’m not going to go into the mathematical details here, but as a clue, simple binary codes are created when they give you shapes, and you’ll be able to figure out a number easily. Meetings are a lot of fun.

Sword Of Truth Magic Sword

I think it can be done by ages 12 and up, and possibly younger if they are a little advanced for their age. It’s also a good situation for math teachers because it demonstrates the use of binary math in a fun way.

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