Shouldnt Trust Everything Dentist Says

Shouldnt Trust Everything Dentist Says – Extreme grinding can damage teeth, damage dental work, cause jaw pain and morning headaches, and cause sleeping partners to grunt due to the sounds.

Imagine a force 3-10 times greater than what is needed to crack a walnut. Now imagine the power of your mouth.

Shouldnt Trust Everything Dentist Says

Shouldnt Trust Everything Dentist Says

The ancient Greeks called the clashing of teeth “brocha” or shaking. Today, experts agree that bruxism is much more nuanced and diverse than that: some people describe it as a “behavior” and others as a “disorder.” In otherwise healthy people, bruxism is a repetitive action of the jaw muscles that involves grinding, clenching , tightening. , or pushing.

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Arousal grinding, known as daytime or waking bruxism, and sleep disturbances, known as sleep or nighttime bruxism, are related but distinct conditions with unique and common treatment protocols. Some people engage in a combination of both.

“Tine grinding is officially bruxism, while the associated clenching is a different parafunctional jaw habit,” says James M. Ujanik, DDS, clinical assistant professor and director of New York University College of Dentistry in New York City. From the NYU Oral and Headache Clinic.

Almost half of all children experience a period of nighttime grinding, while up to a third of the US countries and Canada.

If a Google search is any indication, research shows that bruxism has increased since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic—not surprising given bruxism’s association with stress. However, oral health professionals like Anne Clemons, DMD, a general dentist at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, say bruxism is greatly underreported — “especially these days.”

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“Eighty percent of the time I tell someone, it’s the first time they’ve heard it,” says Lokesh Rao, MD, of Westchester Dental Design in Yonkers, New York.

According to Isfahan University, many young people who paint outgrow the problem before adulthood. Those who continue into adulthood, and those who pick up the habit later in life, range from occasional bruxers to severe bruxers that can destroy dental work. – Anyone can be a bruxer, – says Dr. Oyanik. But some people are more at risk than others.

He emphasized: “Someone who goes through major changes or experiences stressful events, such as moving to a new place, starting a new job or experiencing a birth, marriage, death or divorce in the family, is particularly at risk,” he Says.

Shouldnt Trust Everything Dentist Says

A study published in the September 2019 issue of the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found a strong positive correlation between perceived stress levels and the amount of grinding. This relationship was dramatically, if anecdotally, illustrated in a July 2021 ABC News story about US

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Dr. Rao says, “Even if people are oblivious to their concussion,” says Dr. Rao, “Stressful background conditions can increase this, and the pandemic was serious.”

Problem Sleepers Most bruxers overexert their jaw muscles overnight, Dr. Clemons begins the diagnostic journey with questions about sleep. “I’ll ask if it’s good and calm or if there are other disorders involved,” she says.

For example, a malocclusion (when the lower and upper teeth do not match properly) and breathing problems during sleep, such as nocturnal asthma and sleep apnea, can sometimes contribute to nighttime bruxism. Indeed, nocturnal bruxism is often considered a sleep disorder that forces people to monitor and analyze their behavior at night.

“This can be very important to identify possible additional problems with sleep and breathing that may contribute to or be associated with bruxism events during sleep, so they are not addressed,” says Clemons.

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Caffeine or alcohol drinkers and alcohol drinkers Excessive coffee or alcohol consumption may increase cravings, possibly altering sleep patterns due to overstimulation and dehydration. Tobacco and drugs can also be risk factors for bruxism.

Genetic predisposition An article in the Spring 2020 Journal of Craniomaxillofacial Research described a genetic predisposition to grinding, and one study reported online in the January 2018 issue of Biomedical Reports suggests that bruxers share common traits, such as anxiety. Sometimes a congenital misalignment of the teeth can cause bruxism. “For these people, the grinding will go down after we improve the problem with their bite,” says Clemons.

Antidepressant users Bruxism is one of the rare but possible side effects of some selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants, which are among the most prescribed medications in the United States.

Shouldnt Trust Everything Dentist Says

Diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease or other conditions People with Parkinson’s disease, dementia, gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD), epilepsy, night terrors or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are more likely to develop a bruxing habit than the general population. Mayo Clinic. So are people dealing with some persistent mental illness.

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When people come to them complaining of headaches, sleeping, or pain, dentists look for some characteristic “tells” to confirm bruxism. These include:

Damaged teeth or dental work teeth or dental restorations that show signs of wear, flattening, cracks or chips are strong evidence of constant grinding. In severe cases, the destruction is so pronounced that the teeth are barely visible above the gum line or the internal structure of the tooth is exposed.

“I’ll see back teeth where the cusps are worn down or have little pits, or the body of the tooth has turned yellow or brown because the enamel, the white ‘candy coating’ of the teeth, is missing,” says Rao.

Extreme, continuous shaking can also dislodge teeth from their attachments to the jaw. “When the surrounding bone is broken, the tooth becomes like a fence post planted in soil that’s too loose,” says Rao. “If you move it too much, it falls off.”

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Noise For some, the impetus to seek medical attention is a disgruntled sleeping partner fed up with the noise. The temporomandibular joint itself (which is the hinge where the upper and lower jaws meet) can produce clicking or clicking sounds. Audio recording devices or applications can help suspected bruxers determine if they are running a riot overnight.

Sensitivity Teeth can become especially sensitive to pain, cold, heat or other stimuli. It is often associated with small fractures from the repetitive force of the jaws. These irregularities allow heat, cold, or bacteria to enter and threaten the body of the tooth, potentially necessitating root canal treatment.

Muscle, jaw, and neck pain The muscles of the jaw may be significantly tight or overdeveloped, or they may be painful to the touch. The ability to open and close the mouth may be impaired, while the throat may be sore and tired. Some brokers unknowingly create small ulcers by chewing on the inside of their cheeks.

Shouldnt Trust Everything Dentist Says

Headache pain in the masseter muscles (involved in chewing and controlling jaw movements) can radiate to other parts of the head and face. Bruxers may experience pain or a feeling of fullness near their ear, or they may have a headache, especially after waking up.

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“If someone tells me they wake up with a headache or jaw pain and fatigue, my brain immediately jumps to the possibility of nocturnal parafunctional activity,” says Ujanik. “If the pain occurs near the evening, it is an indication that grinding or tightening has occurred during the day.”

Sleep disorders The American Sleep Association notes that bruxism can disrupt normal sleep cycles, especially in the early stages of sleep. This type of disruption can disrupt the most restful and deep phases of sleep, leaving the bruxer under-rested the next day.

Vertigo and ear pain By preventing the muscles, bones and joints associated with the jaw from working properly, bruxism can sometimes cause dizziness and otalgia or ear pain – an argument for ear-nose-neck (ENT) doctors and dentists to work together. .

Many daytime bruxers grind their teeth – often unconsciously – during periods of intense emotion, anxiety and concentration. Because awareness, attention, and practice are critical for these people to stop bruxing, their optimal strategies fall into two categories.

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Get yourself a pair. The first step in treatment for many is to convince themselves that their bruxism is real. Their dentists will tell you that it’s a challenge to catch themselves bruxing, especially when they’re busy or concentrating. Ujanik recommends the following:

Implement replacement operations. When people are convinced that their habitual behavior is overwhelming and disruptive, Clemons says, they can improve their ability to resist that behavior by engaging in intentional replacement actions. This was confirmed in a paper published in December 2020 in The Frontiers of Neurology, which found that although daytime bruxers are more likely to experience increased general anxiety, they are also better equipped to overcome their bruxism.

“These people can often figure out ways to consciously change their behavior,” says Clemons. Here are some alternatives:

Shouldnt Trust Everything Dentist Says

Nighttime bruxing and its daytime sibling may be closely related, but if you chew and bite, a study published in the March 2019 issue of the Journal of Oral Rehabilitation suggests.

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Researchers hypothesized that for nighttime sleepers, chewing may be a natural way to diffuse stress. But targeting and replacing the habit without disrupting sleep is difficult

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