Hypoallergenic Cats Breed List – Allergies to cats can be a major problem for animal lovers who want to adopt a cat but experience allergic reactions and are the main reason cats are surrendered to shelters. No cat is truly hypoallergenic, but the breeds mentioned in this article may cause less allergic reactions.
The Siamese is one of the most recognizable cat breeds with its yellow body with black dots and brilliant blue eyes. Siamese cats are highly intelligent and loyal, often forming close bonds with one member of the family. They are a talkative breed and love to chat with their favorite man. Because of their intelligence, most Siamese cats can be taught to walk on a leash or play fetch.
Hypoallergenic Cats Breed List
A native cat breed from Russia, the Siberian is a large, long-haired cat that is very private and loves to spend time with its human companion. There is no conclusive evidence that the Siberian is an allergy breed, but many breeders have reported success with the Siberian for allergy sufferers.
Siberian Cats: Characteristics And Traits Of This Gorgeous Breed
The Devon Rex is a short-coated cat that originated from a spontaneous mutation of a stray cat that lived near a mine in Buckfastleigh, Devon. Devons are friendly, outgoing, active and get along with everyone, including children and other pets.
The coat of the Devon Rex has three types of hair, guard, on and down, however the guard hair is sparse, short and raked.
Quiet, outgoing and extremely outgoing, the Cornish Rex’s people-loving personality means they enjoy being part of a family. Their high energy levels continue well into adulthood and Cornish Rex cats love to ride or climb on their human’s shoulders. Because of their easy-going personality, the Cornish Rex makes the perfect family pet.
. The coat of the Cornish Rex is mainly composed of down hair, with few bristles and no guard hair. The gene responsible for the Cornish Rex coat is different from the Devon Rex. These genes are assigned gene 1 (Cornish Rex) and gene 2 (Devon Rex).
Top 5 Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds
Although they may appear bald, many Sphynx cats have a beautiful peach-like texture on their bodies that feels like soft gems. These hairs are often described as “coat hairs”, but I have found no reliable data to support this claim.
Sphynx cats are resourceful, friendly, mischievous and love to climb. A Sphynx cat will greet you at the door when you arrive home. They get along well with children and other family pets, and their intelligence makes them easy to train. Because of their people-oriented personality, they do not like to be alone for long.
The Bengal originated as a hybrid between the Asian leopard cat and the domestic cat. They still retain their wild appearance but with the nature of a domestic cat.
Bengalis are highly intelligent, energetic, thrive on love and human companionship, and are known to love drinking water from the tap or sink.
Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds • Purrfectcatbreeds
Bengal fur is incredibly soft and is often described as fur. It has a unique property called ‘glitter’, which catches and reflects light.
One of the oldest domestic cat breeds, the Russian Blue is a calm, loyal cat breed that loves to be close to its human companion. Russian blue is moderate in all respects. They are not voices; Sticky, very active, nor are they lazy.
The beautiful Balinese is a long-haired Siamese that shares many common characteristics with its Siamese cousin. Intelligent, resourceful, people-oriented and talkative, Balinese cats will accompany you from room to room. Their intelligence makes them easy to train to walk or retrieve on a leash. Although the Balinese cat likes to talk, they are less vocal than the Siamese.
The main cause of cat allergies is a glycoprotein known as Fel D1 that is produced by sebaceous glands under the skin and is present in small amounts in cat saliva.
Best Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds For People With Allergies
A cat constantly sheds tiny particles of dander (flakes) into the environment and when the groomer transfers saliva onto the coat, which is then shed around the house causing allergies in susceptible people.
Rex and Sphynx cats have less fur (Sphynx cats have peach fuzz) and therefore emit less into the environment. While Rex and Sphynx cats have less fur, they still shed flakes (flakes) that contain the Fel d1 protein.
Hypoallergenic cat breeds produce less Fel d1 than other cat breeds. This has yet to be proven in clinical trials, but many cat owners and breeders support this claim.
Most cats shed year-round, with the largest shed in the spring. I recently spoke with a Siberian cat breeder who said that Siberians shed less blood throughout the year, but instead shed heavily twice a year. He said that in his experience, this breed has been good for allergy sufferers.
Which Cats Are Hypoallergenic?
Skin color has no effect on risk, one study found lower salivary Fel d1 levels in older cats.
If you are not sure if you are allergic to cats, you can request an allergy test that includes either a skin patch test or a blood test.
As we discussed in our previous article Allergic Cats, Do They Exist? There are no true allergic cat breeds, however, there are some cat breeds that can cause mild allergy symptoms in susceptible people.
Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that any cat breed will work if you are allergic to cats. The main reason Rex cats are abandoned is because they were bought with the belief that they would.
Are Maine Coons Hypoallergenic? Guide To Cat Allergies
And the new family was still allergic to cats. You can do your best to minimize the odds by adopting from a list of cats.
To avoid allergies, choosing a light-coated cat, choosing a male or female, can still cause problems.
Go to cat shows and talk to cat breeders. If they claim their breed is allergic, spend some time with that breed and see for yourself. It should be kept in mind that even if you visit a cat show or cat breeder and don’t have an allergy problem, they can develop with prolonged or repeated exposure.
If allergies become a problem, talk to your doctor as there are many ways to relieve symptoms and reduce exposure to allergens in your home. Hypoallergenic cat breeds can be the answer to allergies for cat lovers. But is there such a thing as an allergic cat? I’m a cat person and would love to have one (okay, maybe two), but my husband has allergies.
Best Hypoallergenic Cats
There are many hypoallergenic dog breeds – crossing almost anything with a poodle will reduce allergy problems, but there seems to be no cure for cat lovers.
So I decided to roll up my sleeves and do a little research on what causes cat allergies and which breeds are allergic.
It turns out there are a lot! So if you, or someone you live with, has allergies but wants a cat, here are 13 options to consider.
Cat allergies are incredibly common (twice as common as dog allergies!) and can range from mild — like itching, watery eyes, and sneezing — to downright dangerous, like an asthma attack.
Top 13 Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds For People With Allergies
The trigger for most cat allergies is a protein called Fel D1 that cats produce in their skin, saliva, and urine.
This dry saliva, along with tiny bits of dander, falls off and sticks to every surface the cat comes in contact with, which is why people with cat allergies can still have a reaction after the cat leaves the building.
These allergens are so small that they can stay in the air for long periods of time, making them easy to inhale, or be carried around the house by air currents.
The main symptoms of cat allergies are caused by your body’s immune system being attacked by these harmless proteins.
Hypoallergenic Cats: The 10 Best Cat Breeds For Allergy Sufferers
It causes inflammation that causes itchy eyes, watery eyes, nasal congestion and sneezing, and in more severe cases, asthma attacks.
Although medications such as antihistamines and decongestants can help treat symptoms, and allergy shots can reduce the body’s response to the allergen, the only sure way to prevent a reaction is to avoid coming into contact with the allergen in the first place.
Vacuuming, vacuuming, and frequently washing carpets or bedding where your cat usually sleeps can help reduce allergen levels in your home, but it won’t be completely eliminated as long as the cat is around.
So are allergic cat lovers just in luck? maybe not. This is where hypoallergenic cat breeds come in.
Hypoallergenic Allergies: 10 Breeds Of Gorgeous Cat That Are Best For Those Who Suffer Allergies
This is a difficult question. No cat is 100% hypoallergenic. Several companies are trying to breed or genetically modify cats that do not produce allergenic proteins, and while some have claimed success, tests have shown that even their cats are not completely allergenic.
Allergenic cat breeds produce less.
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