Dime A Dozen Synonym

Dime A Dozen Synonym – It’s been a while since I’ve blogged and I regret taking a break as this blog is a major source of new business for me. So in the new year you can expect more regular, hopefully useful information.

In the year As I reflect on my 2011 activities and 2012 plans, I decided to take my own advice on where to focus my promising efforts this year. I think about creating marketing strategies that attract “low hanging fruit”. I intend to focus on former clients who use my services again, and I encourage former clients to refer me to new companies. I don’t spend a lot of time on Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus or other social media to attract complete strangers.

Dime A Dozen Synonym

Dime A Dozen Synonym

I know this advice sounds pretty obvious, but ask yourself how your customers or clients heard about you. I’ve interviewed real estate agents and asked them the same question, and the overwhelming response is that their clients are repeat customers, referrals, or people they meet at open houses. Few have worked with strangers.

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So I’ve put together a simple spreadsheet to help real estate agents decide where to focus their efforts, and I’ve included marketing tools they can use to reach a specific group. Click the link to get your own copy. While the tools may vary, you get the idea.

So who are the low hanging fruit? Past clients/customers, friends, contacts, relatives and referrals. Your favorite fans who have already done business with you or were referred to you. This may sound obvious, but how much of your marketing is focused on reaching and nurturing this group? Do you send personal letters, make phone calls, send cards, write personal emails, send newsletters, give away “things of value” or meet face to face?

Or are you spending your marketing budget and time on print ads, direct mail, social media, and your website to reach the full audience?

It’s okay to market to strangers, but you need to balance your time and budget. If 80% of your business comes from customers and referrals, that’s where 80% of your time and marketing budget should be directed. Marketing low-hanging fruit isn’t as sexy and fun, but it’s where you can expect to see the biggest sales in 2012.

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If you liked this article and don’t want to miss the next one, click here to receive my marketing articles by email as soon as they are published. You will be prompted to enter your email address and that’s it. AI handwriting detectors are unreliable and often produce biased false positives. Teachers and schools are wasting time and money with these tools that could be better invested in staff training.

How to beat typos in a few simple steps and how to add spelling and grammar mistakes to your scores to fool your teacher

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Dime A Dozen Synonym

I’ve updated this post significantly following the American Federation of Teachers’ decision to introduce AI text recognition. Updates and reorganizes

Fall From Grace

Criticism of such approaches. The evidence cited here is based on research, and this research is linked throughout the article. Here you can find many expert opinions questioning the value of these detectors.

Relying on AI text checkers to prevent students from writing essays and papers using AI is a waste because the checkers produce many false positives and false negatives even though nothing is done to distort the results of the generated text because the tools are only searching.

Made by AI. This “design” became more common when devices were developed that resembled the writer’s handwriting (see below). Because there is no specific design

False negatives (AI text not detected by the student) and false negatives (AI text not detected) are generated frequently.

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In my opinion, the biggest problem with these sensors is that they are biased. See the positive aspects of foreign literature.

. “Our findings show that when these detectors consistently classify non-English writing samples as AI-generated, native writing samples are correctly identified.” Moreover, we show that simple screening strategies not only reduce this bias, but can also effectively bypass GPT probes. Liang et al. T

[Note: 149 Liang et al. above 72 Wang, Yuxia, Jonibek Mansurov, Petar Ivanov, Jinyan Su, Artem Shelmanov, Akim Tisvigun, Chenzi Whitehouse, et al. “M4: A Multi-Generator, Multi-Domain and Multi-Language Black Box Machine-Generated Text Recognizer.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.14902 (2023); 148 Zakah is Zakah. “Finding AI Content in ChatGPT, YouChat, and Chatonic Generated Responses: A Case Study of Five AI Content Discovery Tools.” Journal of Applied Learning and Teaching 6, no. 2 (2023)

Dime A Dozen Synonym

This false positive problem is well known and established, so as a school administrator, you can’t say you didn’t know there was a false positive problem because you could be sued for unfairly punishing a student based on an AI type detector. Unknown.

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That’s why schools like Vanderbilt University, the University of Pittsburgh in Michigan and the University of Texas, as well as universities in Australia, are recognizing these problems and finally moving away from pointers.

Teachers and schools are being fooled by these tools, wasting time and money on better training their staff with AI and developing new approaches that don’t expose them to the charges they deserve.

AI-powered typing devices are already integrated into the industry and available to a billion people (Google and Microsoft integrate these typing devices into their products and each has a billion users). Future successful writers are built with tools, not without them. If we try to teach students to write without a tool, we are simply teaching them to write in a way that they will not write in the future. So yes, we are pointing unreliable and biased sensors at students, thereby damaging their professional skills and leading to false accusations.

The next set of factors are related to their actual issues, which are not biased and students don’t rely on introducing a small bias into the score to beat the score.

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First, indicators often fail during so-called “out-of-diffusion challenges” (Wu et al., October 22). The term out-of-distribution primarily refers to machine learning and refers to data challenges that deviate significantly from or deviate from the distribution of the training data. Simply put, a trained machine learning model faces a diffusion problem when it encounters input that it has not seen before or that is significantly different from the training data.

The problem is that machine learning models, especially deep neural networks, tend to be overconfident in their predictions even in the presence of OOD data (see Guo et al., 2017). This means that the model can generate high confidence predictions for input that it has never seen before or doesn’t know how to properly handle (AKA false positives in this context).

Second, since most training data is now a mix of human and machine-written data, it is becoming increasingly difficult to train on two different datasets to reach high-confidence conclusions. This problem is complicated by the fact that the data is initially available.

Dime A Dozen Synonym

W. Anton et al. (2023); Yi et al. (2023); Sadasivaan (2023) – citing their failure to tarnish the reputation of their creator; Liang (2023); Ren (2023); He (2023; Shi (2023); Koike (2023).

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Greer… On the one hand, the American Federation of Teachers advertises the following: “We are also concerned about the 52 false positives (out of 114 human reports) generated by GPTZero. Finally, we note that all LLM-generated text detectors are less accurate for coding, other languages ​​(besides English), and after using translation tools (such as Quillbot). Orenstrach 2023

[Krishan (2023) states that this provides protection against using a clause to defeat detection, but Sadasivan (2023) suggests that this can be prevented by restating (a paid device knows how to work).

Thus, an AI handwriting detector may misclassify text that is entirely human-generated, although as noted, this happens frequently.

[Note: This is obviously more likely to be done by high SES students who can afford services like undetectable.ai and college students who know how these tools work.]

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Studies like the ones mentioned above are “bull’s eye” and are cited throughout the article. Additionally, some of the above studies that discuss overall failure rates also talk about efforts to crack content.

I did not need such an examination; Twisting the text slightly, I beat them with two words –

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