Summa Theologica is a Webnovel created by Saint Aquinas Thomas. This lightnovel is currently completed. Obj. 8: Further, as was already observed (Q. 48, A.
Category: Summa Theologica
Summa Theologica is a Webnovel created by Saint Aquinas Thomas. This lightnovel is currently completed. Obj. 2: Further, according to Isidore (Etym. x) “honesty means
Summa Theologica is a Webnovel created by Saint Aquinas Thomas. This lightnovel is currently completed. Reply Obj. 3: In speaking “of ignorance of choice,” we
Summa Theologica is a Webnovel created by Saint Aquinas Thomas. This lightnovel is currently completed. _On the contrary,_ Pope Celestine says (Epist. ad Episcop. Galliae):