Do My Bridesmaids Need Bouquets?

Do My Bridesmaids Need Bouquets?

As you plan your wedding, there are countless details to consider, from the venue and décor to the catering and music. One question that often comes up is whether or not your bridesmaids need to carry bouquets. There is no right or wrong answer, as it depends on your personal preferences and the overall style of your wedding. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when making your decision.

If you are having a traditional wedding, bouquets are a classic and elegant touch. They can add a pop of color and beauty to your bridesmaids’ dresses and help them to stand out from the crowd. Bouquets can also be used to create a cohesive look for your wedding party. For example, you could choose bouquets that match the flowers in your centerpieces or the color scheme of your wedding.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to have your bridesmaids carry bouquets is up to you. There is no right or wrong answer, and there are pros and cons to both options. Consider your personal preferences, the style of your wedding, and your budget when making your decision.

do my bridesmaids need bouquets

Consider these points when deciding if your bridesmaids should carry bouquets:

  • Personal preference
  • Wedding style
  • Budget
  • Bridesmaid dresses
  • Ceremony and reception venues
  • Wedding colors
  • Bridesmaid’s personal style
  • Bridesmaid’s comfort level
  • Bridesmaid’s height
  • Bridesmaid’s role in the ceremony

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to have your bridesmaids carry bouquets is up to you. Consider all of these factors to make the best decision for your wedding.

Personal preference

The most important factor to consider when deciding whether or not to have your bridesmaids carry bouquets is your personal preference. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I want my bridesmaids to carry bouquets?

    If you have a strong preference one way or the other, that should be the deciding factor.

  • What is the overall style of my wedding?

    If you are having a traditional wedding, bouquets are a classic and elegant touch. However, if you are having a more modern or non-traditional wedding, you may want to consider alternatives to bouquets, such as corsages or boutonnieres.

  • What is my budget?

    Bouquets can be expensive, so you need to factor that into your budget. If you are on a tight budget, you may want to consider alternatives to bouquets, such as single flowers or greenery.

  • What do my bridesmaids want?

    It is important to consider your bridesmaids’ personal preferences. Some bridesmaids may love the idea of carrying a bouquet, while others may prefer not to. Talk to your bridesmaids and see what they think.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to have your bridesmaids carry bouquets is up to you. Consider all of these factors to make the best decision for your wedding.

Wedding style

The style of your wedding can also help you decide whether or not to have your bridesmaids carry bouquets. Here are a few things to consider:

Traditional weddings: Bouquets are a classic and elegant touch for traditional weddings. They can add a pop of color and beauty to your bridesmaids’ dresses and help them to stand out from the crowd. Bouquets can also be used to create a cohesive look for your wedding party. For example, you could choose bouquets that match the flowers in your centerpieces or the color scheme of your wedding.

Modern weddings: Bouquets are not always necessary for modern weddings. If you are having a more modern or non-traditional wedding, you may want to consider alternatives to bouquets, such as corsages or boutonnieres. You could also choose to have your bridesmaids carry single flowers or greenery instead of traditional bouquets.

Rustic weddings: Bouquets can be a beautiful addition to rustic weddings. However, you may want to choose bouquets that are made with wildflowers or other natural elements to fit the rustic theme of your wedding.

Destination weddings: If you are having a destination wedding, you may need to consider the logistics of transporting bouquets. If you are flying to your destination, you will need to make sure that your bouquets are properly packaged and that they will not wilt or be damaged during the flight.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to have your bridesmaids carry bouquets is up to you. Consider the style of your wedding and all of the other factors mentioned in this article to make the best decision for your big day.


Bouquets can be expensive, so you need to factor that into your budget when deciding whether or not to have your bridesmaids carry them. Here are a few things to consider:

  • The type of flowers you choose: Some flowers are more expensive than others. If you are on a tight budget, you may want to choose less expensive flowers, such as carnations or daisies. You can also save money by choosing flowers that are in season.
  • The size of the bouquets: Larger bouquets will cost more than smaller bouquets. If you are on a budget, you may want to choose smaller bouquets or consider alternatives to bouquets, such as corsages or boutonnieres.
  • The number of bridesmaids: The more bridesmaids you have, the more bouquets you will need. If you have a large bridal party, you may want to consider ways to save money on bouquets, such as choosing less expensive flowers or smaller bouquets.
  • The cost of delivery and setup: Some florists charge a fee for delivery and setup. If you are on a budget, you may want to choose a florist that offers free delivery and setup.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to have your bridesmaids carry bouquets is up to you. Consider your budget and all of the other factors mentioned in this article to make the best decision for your wedding.

Bridesmaid dresses

The bridesmaid dresses can also help you decide whether or not to have your bridesmaids carry bouquets. Here are a few things to consider:

  • The neckline of the dress: Bouquets can look awkward with certain necklines, such as halter necklines or high necklines. If your bridesmaids are wearing dresses with these types of necklines, you may want to consider alternatives to bouquets, such as corsages or boutonnieres.
  • The length of the dress: Long bridesmaid dresses can be difficult to carry with a bouquet. If your bridesmaids are wearing long dresses, you may want to choose smaller bouquets or consider alternatives to bouquets.
  • The color of the dress: The color of the bridesmaid dresses can also affect your decision about whether or not to have bouquets. If your bridesmaids are wearing bright or bold colors, you may want to choose bouquets that are more subdued in color. Conversely, if your bridesmaids are wearing more neutral colors, you may want to choose bouquets that are more colorful.
  • The style of the dress: The style of the bridesmaid dresses can also help you decide what type of bouquets to choose. For example, if your bridesmaids are wearing flowy, romantic dresses, you may want to choose bouquets that are soft and delicate. If your bridesmaids are wearing more structured, modern dresses, you may want to choose bouquets that are more sleek and contemporary.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to have your bridesmaids carry bouquets is up to you. Consider the bridesmaid dresses and all of the other factors mentioned in this article to make the best decision for your wedding.

Ceremony and reception venues

The ceremony and reception venues can also help you decide whether or not to have your bridesmaids carry bouquets. Here are a few things to consider:

  • The size of the venue: If you are having your ceremony and reception in a small venue, you may not have enough space for your bridesmaids to carry large bouquets. In this case, you may want to consider alternatives to bouquets, such as corsages or boutonnieres.
  • The layout of the venue: If the ceremony and reception venues are in different locations, you will need to consider how your bridesmaids will carry their bouquets from one venue to the other. If the venues are far apart, you may want to choose bouquets that are easy to carry or consider alternatives to bouquets.
  • The type of ceremony: If you are having a traditional ceremony, bouquets are a classic and elegant touch. However, if you are having a more modern or non-traditional ceremony, you may want to consider alternatives to bouquets, such as single flowers or greenery.
  • The type of reception: If you are having a formal reception, bouquets can add a touch of elegance. However, if you are having a more casual reception, you may want to consider alternatives to bouquets, such as corsages or boutonnieres.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to have your bridesmaids carry bouquets is up to you. Consider the ceremony and reception venues and all of the other factors mentioned in this article to make the best decision for your wedding.

Wedding colors

The wedding colors can also help you decide what type of bouquets to choose for your bridesmaids. Here are a few things to consider:

The overall color scheme of the wedding: If you have a specific color scheme for your wedding, you can choose bouquets that match or complement the other colors in the scheme. For example, if you are having a blue and white wedding, you could choose bouquets that are made with blue and white flowers.

The colors of the bridesmaid dresses: If your bridesmaids are wearing different colored dresses, you can choose bouquets that complement the colors of the dresses. For example, if some of your bridesmaids are wearing pink dresses and others are wearing blue dresses, you could choose bouquets that are made with pink and blue flowers.

The colors of the ceremony and reception venues: You can also choose bouquets that complement the colors of the ceremony and reception venues. For example, if you are having your ceremony in a garden, you could choose bouquets that are made with flowers that are found in the garden. Or, if you are having your reception in a ballroom, you could choose bouquets that are made with elegant and sophisticated flowers.

The season of the wedding: The season of the wedding can also affect your choice of bouquets. For example, if you are having a spring wedding, you could choose bouquets that are made with spring flowers, such as tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths. Or, if you are having a fall wedding, you could choose bouquets that are made with fall flowers, such as sunflowers, mums, and dahlias.

Ultimately, the decision of what type of bouquets to choose for your bridesmaids is up to you. Consider the wedding colors and all of the other factors mentioned in this article to make the best decision for your wedding.

Bridesmaid’s personal style

The bridesmaid’s personal style can also help you decide whether or not to have them carry bouquets. Here are a few things to consider:

The bridesmaid’s personality: Some bridesmaids may love the idea of carrying a bouquet, while others may prefer not to. Consider your bridesmaids’ personalities when making your decision. If you have a bridesmaid who is shy or introverted, she may feel more comfortable without a bouquet. Or, if you have a bridesmaid who is outgoing and loves to be the center of attention, she may love the idea of carrying a bouquet.

The bridesmaid’s body type: The bridesmaid’s body type can also affect whether or not she should carry a bouquet. For example, a petite bridesmaid may look overwhelmed by a large bouquet. Or, a tall bridesmaid may look awkward carrying a small bouquet. Consider your bridesmaids’ body types when choosing bouquets.

The bridesmaid’s comfort level: You should also consider your bridesmaids’ comfort level when deciding whether or not to have them carry bouquets. Some bridesmaids may be comfortable carrying a bouquet all day long, while others may find it to be a nuisance. If you have a bridesmaid who is pregnant or has a medical condition, she may not be comfortable carrying a bouquet. Talk to your bridesmaids about their comfort level before making your decision.

The bridesmaid’s role in the ceremony: The bridesmaid’s role in the ceremony can also affect whether or not she should carry a bouquet. For example, if a bridesmaid is giving a reading or performing another special task during the ceremony, she may not be able to carry a bouquet. Or, if a bridesmaid is walking down the aisle with a small child, she may not be able to carry a bouquet.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to have your bridesmaids carry bouquets is up to you. Consider the bridesmaid’s personal style and all of the other factors mentioned in this article to make the best decision for your wedding.

Bridesmaid’s comfort level

It is important to consider your bridesmaids’ comfort level when deciding whether or not to have them carry bouquets. Here are a few things to consider:

  • The weight of the bouquet: Bouquets can be heavy, especially if they are made with large or dense flowers. Consider the weight of the bouquets when choosing them for your bridesmaids. You don’t want your bridesmaids to be weighed down or uncomfortable carrying their bouquets.
  • The size of the bouquet: The size of the bouquet can also affect your bridesmaids’ comfort level. Large bouquets can be difficult to carry and can get in the way. Choose bouquets that are a manageable size for your bridesmaids to carry.
  • The shape of the bouquet: The shape of the bouquet can also affect your bridesmaids’ comfort level. Some bouquets, such as cascading bouquets, can be difficult to hold and carry. Choose bouquets that are easy for your bridesmaids to hold and carry.
  • The bridesmaid’s physical abilities: Consider your bridesmaids’ physical abilities when choosing bouquets. If you have a bridesmaid who has a disability or is pregnant, she may not be able to carry a heavy or large bouquet. Choose a bouquet that is appropriate for her physical abilities.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to have your bridesmaids carry bouquets is up to you. Consider your bridesmaids’ comfort level and all of the other factors mentioned in this article to make the best decision for your wedding.

Bridesmaid’s height

The bridesmaid’s height can also affect whether or not she should carry a bouquet. Here are a few things to consider:

The bridesmaid’s height relative to the other bridesmaids: If you have bridesmaids of different heights, you may want to choose bouquets that are proportional to their height. For example, taller bridesmaids could carry larger bouquets, while shorter bridesmaids could carry smaller bouquets. This will help to create a more balanced look.

The bridesmaid’s height relative to the bride: You should also consider the bridesmaid’s height relative to the bride. If the bride is very tall, she may be overwhelmed by a large bouquet. Or, if the bride is very short, she may be hidden behind a large bouquet. Choose bouquets that are appropriate for the bride’s height.

The bridesmaid’s height relative to the ceremony and reception venues: You should also consider the bridesmaid’s height relative to the ceremony and reception venues. If the ceremony and reception venues are small, large bouquets may be too cumbersome for the bridesmaids to carry. Or, if the ceremony and reception venues are large, small bouquets may be lost in the space. Choose bouquets that are appropriate for the size of the ceremony and reception venues.

The bridesmaid’s height relative to the wedding dress: You should also consider the bridesmaid’s height relative to the wedding dress. If the bridesmaid is wearing a long dress, a long bouquet may be too much. Or, if the bridesmaid is wearing a short dress, a short bouquet may be too little. Choose bouquets that are proportional to the bridesmaid’s height and the length of her dress.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to have your bridesmaids carry bouquets is up to you. Consider the bridesmaid’s height and all of the other factors mentioned in this article to make the best decision for your wedding.

Bridesmaid’s role in the ceremony

The bridesmaid’s role in the ceremony can also affect whether or not she should carry a bouquet. Here are a few things to consider:

The bridesmaid’s role in the processional: If the bridesmaid is walking down the aisle with the bride, she may not be able to carry a bouquet. This is because she will need to use her hands to hold the bride’s train or bouquet. In this case, you may want to choose an alternative to a bouquet, such as a corsage or boutonniere.

The bridesmaid’s role in the ceremony: If the bridesmaid is giving a reading or performing another special task during the ceremony, she may not be able to carry a bouquet. This is because she will need to use her hands to hold the reading or perform the task. In this case, you may want to choose an alternative to a bouquet, such as a corsage or boutonniere.

The bridesmaid’s role in the recessional: If the bridesmaid is walking down the aisle with the groom, she may not be able to carry a bouquet. This is because she will need to use her hands to hold the groom’s arm or bouquet. In this case, you may want to choose an alternative to a bouquet, such as a corsage or boutonniere.

The bridesmaid’s role in the wedding party photos: If the bridesmaid is going to be in the wedding party photos, you may want to consider whether or not she should carry a bouquet. Bouquets can add a pop of color and beauty to the photos, but they can also be distracting. If you are having a large wedding party, you may want to consider having some of the bridesmaids carry bouquets and some of the bridesmaids go without bouquets. This will create a more varied and interesting look in the photos.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to have your bridesmaids carry bouquets is up to you. Consider the bridesmaid’s role in the ceremony and all of the other factors mentioned in this article to make the best decision for your wedding.


Here are some frequently asked questions about whether or not bridesmaids need bouquets:

Question 1: Do bridesmaids always need to carry bouquets?
Answer: No, bridesmaids do not always need to carry bouquets. Whether or not your bridesmaids carry bouquets is a personal preference. There are many factors to consider when making this decision, such as the style of your wedding, the budget, the bridesmaid dresses, and the bridesmaids’ personal preferences.

Question 2: What are some alternatives to bouquets for bridesmaids?
Answer: There are many alternatives to bouquets for bridesmaids. Some popular alternatives include corsages, boutonnieres, single flowers, greenery, and small handheld decorations. You could also choose to have your bridesmaids go without any flowers at all.

Question 3: How do I choose the right bouquets for my bridesmaids?
Answer: When choosing bouquets for your bridesmaids, you should consider the following factors: the style of your wedding, the budget, the bridesmaid dresses, the bridesmaids’ personal preferences, the ceremony and reception venues, the wedding colors, and the bridesmaid’s height and role in the ceremony.

Question 4: What if I have bridesmaids of different heights?
Answer: If you have bridesmaids of different heights, you may want to choose bouquets that are proportional to their height. For example, taller bridesmaids could carry larger bouquets, while shorter bridesmaids could carry smaller bouquets. This will help to create a more balanced look.

Question 5: What if I have a bridesmaid who is pregnant or has a disability?
Answer: If you have a bridesmaid who is pregnant or has a disability, you should consider her comfort level when choosing a bouquet. You may want to choose a smaller or lighter bouquet, or you may want to choose an alternative to a bouquet, such as a corsage or boutonniere.

Question 6: What if I’m having a small wedding?
Answer: If you’re having a small wedding, you may not have enough space for your bridesmaids to carry large bouquets. In this case, you may want to choose smaller bouquets or consider alternatives to bouquets.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to have your bridesmaids carry bouquets is up to you. Consider all of the factors mentioned above to make the best decision for your wedding.

Now that you know more about whether or not your bridesmaids need bouquets, here are a few tips for choosing the right bouquets:


Here are a few tips for choosing the right bouquets for your bridesmaids:

Tip 1: Consider the style of your wedding. If you are having a traditional wedding, bouquets are a classic and elegant touch. However, if you are having a more modern or non-traditional wedding, you may want to consider alternatives to bouquets, such as corsages or boutonnieres.

Tip 2: Consider your budget. Bouquets can be expensive, so you need to factor that into your budget. If you are on a tight budget, you may want to choose less expensive flowers, smaller bouquets, or alternatives to bouquets.

Tip 3: Consider the bridesmaid dresses. The bridesmaid dresses can also help you choose the right bouquets. For example, if your bridesmaids are wearing bright or bold colors, you may want to choose bouquets that are more subdued in color. Conversely, if your bridesmaids are wearing more neutral colors, you may want to choose bouquets that are more colorful.

Tip 4: Consider the bridesmaids’ personal preferences. It is important to consider your bridesmaids’ personal preferences when choosing bouquets. Some bridesmaids may love the idea of carrying a bouquet, while others may prefer not to. Talk to your bridesmaids and see what they think.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to have your bridesmaids carry bouquets is up to you. Consider all of the factors mentioned above to make the best decision for your wedding.

Now that you know more about whether or not your bridesmaids need bouquets and how to choose the right bouquets, you can start planning your wedding flowers.


The decision of whether or not to have your bridesmaids carry bouquets is a personal one. There is no right or wrong answer, and there are pros and cons to both options. Consider all of the factors mentioned in this article to make the best decision for your wedding.

If you do decide to have your bridesmaids carry bouquets, there are many things to consider, such as the style of your wedding, the budget, the bridesmaid dresses, the bridesmaids’ personal preferences, the ceremony and reception venues, the wedding colors, and the bridesmaid’s height and role in the ceremony.

Ultimately, the most important thing is to choose bouquets that you love and that reflect the style of your wedding. Your bridesmaids will be happy to carry whatever you choose, as long as they know that you appreciate them.

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