Dog Facts You Didnt Know – Think you know everything about dogs? Think again! Check out these 23 interesting facts you may have never heard of:
1. Dogs have a sense of time. It has been proven that they know the difference between one o’clock and five o’clock. If conditioned, they can predict future events, such as normal walking times.
Dog Facts You Didnt Know
2. Your dog is as smart as a two-year-old! Have you ever wondered why children this age seem to have a special bond with the family dog? This may be because they speak the same language, about 250 words and signs.
The Science Backed Benefits Of Being A Dog Owner
3. A UCSD study says your dog may actually get jealous when he sees you showing affection to another creature.
5. Stray dogs in Russia have learned to navigate the complex subway system and get off at certain stops in search of food.
6. Your dog feels your feelings. In fact, your dog’s sense of smell is about 100,000 times better than yours. So it shouldn’t come as a shock that they actually smell fear. When a person is afraid, he sweats, and a dog can easily pick up change.
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9. Petting your dog can actually benefit your physical and mental health. Research has shown that petting a dog for 15 minutes can lower blood pressure by 10%, it can help reduce feelings of stress, depression and combat loneliness.
11. Bluey, an Australian sheepdog, is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest dog that ever lived. Blue lived 29 years and 5 months and lived from 1910 to 1939.
12. Dogs can be trained to detect cancer and other diseases in humans. Cancer cells release different metabolic waste products than healthy cells in the human body. Dogs can even sniff out cancer cells just by sniffing someone’s breath.
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13. Three dogs survived the historic sinking of the Titanic in 1912. Two Pomeranians and 1 Pekingese – all from first class cabins.
14. In 2012, the town of Idyllwild, California elected its first mayor, Mayor Max. But Max is not just an ordinary mayor, he is a golden retriever! Although Mayor Max passed away in 2013, the city elected Mayor Max II to the position, and he has been running Idyllwild ever since. Well done, Mayor Max!
15. Do you have a dog that experiences separation anxiety? Try to leave him some clothes you used to wear. It has been proven that the scent you leave on your clothes can ease your dog’s separation anxiety.
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16. When your dog carefully chooses the perfect place to do their business, it’s because they prefer to poop in the same direction as the Earth’s magnetic field.
17. All dogs are born deaf. As they get older, they hear 4 times better than humans.
19. The vast majority of stray animals that end up in shelters are pets that have been lost simply because they have no identification. Additionally, the Fourth of July is the busiest time for animal shelters, as most pets are lost during the holiday because they are frightened by loud fireworks and run away.
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20. Chocolate can be very deadly to dogs because of the ingredient theobromine. Dogs cannot metabolize theobromine, and eating chocolate can cause severe toxicity to build up in their system, which can be fatal.
Drake Veterinary Center is an AHA-accredited animal hospital in Encinitas, California. The Drake Center likes to be a resource for all pet owners nationwide, but if you have questions about pet care and you don’t live in Encinitas, CA or the surrounding areas, we encourage you to contact your local veterinarian. Remove plaque from your dog’s teeth. Read on for 7 amazing dog facts you probably didn’t know. 3 minutes. The following are the 6 best dog treats for bad breath
You’re a pro when it comes to belly rubs and baby talk. But what about your knowledge of dog dental care?
Surprising Dog Facts You Didn’t Know
From dog teeth facts to dog saliva facts, here are 7 surprising “who knew” facts that will surprise your dog owners and even help you take better care of your dog’s precious smile!
1. You wouldn’t know it from all the drooling that happens when you fry a chicken, but dogs only have about 1,700 taste buds. Compare that to people of about 9,000!
2. Contrary to popular belief, pet dander isn’t the cause of most allergic reactions in dogs…it’s their saliva. When the dog licks and the saliva gets on the fur, the proteins in the saliva become air. Aha!
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3. Even though the tooth fairy doesn’t visit them, dogs lose their baby teeth just like people! By 6 months of age, most puppies have a full set of adult teeth, 20 on the top and 22 on the bottom. This is 10 more teeth than humans!
4. Familiar with buying small white towels in bulk to mop up dog drool on the floor? Then this fact about dog saliva shouldn’t surprise you: an average-sized dog can produce 2-4 cups of saliva per day!
5. By age 3, 80% of dogs have some form of gum disease. Gum disease is more common in small dogs due to crowded teeth, which makes it difficult to remove plaque. The best way to help your dog avoid gum disease? Regular care of the dog’s teeth at home!
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6. Dog saliva is antibacterial. But excessive licking or excessive licking can cause injury or even make the wound worse (which is why scary “cone” animals often have to suffer additional injuries). We humans know the meaning of “everything in moderation”, but dogs cannot understand this concept!
7. Of all the facts about dog teeth, this one is a game-changer: taking care of your dog’s teeth can add 2-5 years to his life. When gum disease bacteria enter a dog’s bloodstream, they attack vital organs, including the heart, kidneys, and liver. This is why dental health is linked to longevity.
Simply add 1 cup of this tasteless and odorless solution to your dog’s water bowl daily to fight plaque and freshen breath. This is the easiest and most convenient way to learn a home dental care routine for your dog…no toothbrush required!
Top 10 Facts About Dogs
>> Add 2-5 years to your dog’s life. Start your dog’s dental care routine with Pet Dental Water Additive. It’s a no-brush, no-fuss solution that’s guaranteed to prevent plaque and get rid of dog bad breath without harsh chemicals! Mainly through barking and body language. But how many of us
You’ve probably taken probiotics for your own digestive health at some point, but dogs can benefit from them too. Our saliva contains a chemical called amylase; It helps break down and soften food while we chew it. Dogs do not have this.
Canines only produce this enzyme in their pancreas, so they can experience things like diarrhea, constipation, and nausea. This especially applies to the introduction of new products. Adding probiotics and prebiotics to your puppy’s food can help with tummy troubles.
Facts About Dogs I’ll Bet You Didn’t Know
Because it moves so quickly, it’s hard to tell what’s going on when your puppy’s tongue absorbs water. The tip of the dog’s tongue bends back, curves upwards and extends like a spoon.
For comparison, a cat’s tongue barely slides through the water where it is drawn into their mouth. They don’t have to chew quickly to keep the water out of their mouths like dogs do, which explains why dogs sometimes make such a mess when they drink.
Contrary to the common myth that dogs sweat through their paws, our pets maintain their body heat only by breathing. While dogs secrete very little moisture from their paws, the excessive drooling that occurs during breathing releases heat and draws cool air into the lungs.
Amazing Facts About Dogs You Probably Didn’t Know
While breathing is a normal part of your puppy’s daily life, make sure it’s not accompanied by a bloated or warm belly. This is usually a sign of bloating and often occurs when a hot dog drinks too much water too fast. Always allow your dog to cool down and slow down its breathing before drinking water if it has been heavily exercised.
We all know the saying “You have to learn to crawl before you can walk” and it applies to the learning stages we experience as babies and adults. As babies grow, they learn to crawl, walk, talk and recognize familiar faces. So what makes a dog comparable to a 2 year old?
Adult dogs can understand from 165 to 250 words, phrases and commands! So even if you won’t be able to fully talk to them, if you take the time to teach your dog words that
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