How To Make Homemade Sock Puppets

How To Make Homemade Sock Puppets – We make sock puppets! Puppets are a great way to communicate with the little ones – they can often convey a message to children much more effectively than us adults. And they are super cute! We’ve made lots of fun sock puppets for you to play with and we’ll walk you through the steps to make our dragon puppet and then you can make your own!

The next step is to create our friendly dragon doll, but you can use what you learn here to create your own fun doll design!

How To Make Homemade Sock Puppets

How To Make Homemade Sock Puppets

Let’s make our doll’s mouth! Cut a piece of cardboard that fits exactly the width of your sock, then fold it in half as if you were closing his mouth.

Cat Sock Puppet: Book Inspired Puppet Crafts For Kids

Draw whatever mouth shape you want! It can be short or long, round or pointed, you can even give your doll an overbite or underbite! Once you have determined the shape of the mouth, cut it out of cardboard.

Using a hot glue gun, glue your cardboard mouthpiece to a piece of felt. We used red felt for the inside of the dragon’s mouth.

Cut around the cardboard mouthpiece, leaving about a ¼” edge. Cut lines into the felt along the edge to prevent knotting, and glue the edge to the bottom of the cardboard mouth.

To make the dragon’s teeth, cut a piece of white felt long enough to wrap around the top of the mouthpiece and wide enough for the teeth. Don’t forget to keep the edge to stick it to your mouth! Next, cut a row of small triangular teeth.

Book Review: The Ultimate Sock Puppet Book By Tiger Kandel And Heather Schloss

For our dragon eyes, we hot glued googly eyes onto large pom poms and then glued them onto the doll’s head.

We also used pom poms for the nostrils! We insert several tissues into the tip of the sock to create an extra thick snout for our dragon as well.

To finish our dragon, we cut a pointy back from purple felt and glued it to the back of the sock.

How To Make Homemade Sock Puppets

When you’re not using the puppet, a paper cup is a great place to store it until you’re ready to play!

Fox Sock Puppet: Book Inspired Puppet Crafts For Kids

For the bumblebee we used googly eyes and buttons for the eyes and pipe cleaners and pom poms for the antenna. Maybe you want a fantastic dog doll friend!

We gave this dog doll a bow by pressing a piece of red felt into a bow shape! Arch wow!

There are so many great ways to play with sock puppets and use them as learning opportunities. Here are some ideas to try with your new doll friends:

Dolls are also super fun for kids to play with! Little ones will love playing their favorite songs with their sock puppet and taking them on new adventures!

Make It Handmade: Mini Sock Muppets

These sock buddies are a lot of fun to make, but even more fun and learning can begin as soon as they’re done. We hope you’ll try your hand at making a sock puppet yourself! We’d love to see your doll creation! We use cookies to be great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Cookie settings

Is a “wiki”, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. 34 people, some of whom were anonymous, worked to create, edit and improve this article.

Hand puppets are a great craft project for kids, and puppetry can be a lot of fun too. If you want to make a puppet, rest assured that it is a relatively easy task. All you need is a few basics, a little determination and a few instructions.

How To Make Homemade Sock Puppets

Is a “wiki”, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. 34 people, some of whom were anonymous, worked to create, edit and improve this article. This article has been viewed 277,976 times.

Create Your Own Sock Puppet

To make a sock puppet, first slide the sock onto your hand, using your thumb to hold the lower jaw and your fingers to hold the upper jaw. With the sock, keep thinking about how you want to divide the eyes, nose, hair and other details. Next, make the eyes by gluing the googly, drawing on them, sewing beads into the pattern or gluing felt to the sock. Use a textile marker for the nose and lips and possibly a tongue or teeth made of felt or beads. Then use yarn, string or felt to create the hair. Read on to learn how to make a simple felt puppet! Well, aren’t these seamless sock worms cute!? And making them is super easy! Seriously, if you have mismatched socks lying around the house, this is such a fun way to use them up! You only need a few simple supplies that you can easily find around the house or at the dollar store, and you can create a cute crawling creature in less than 10 minutes.

I can’t decide if these little guys are worms or caterpillars? My first thought was worms. But my kids say they are caterpillars. And they are fine there, because worms don’t have feelers? Whatever you call them, they are super cute and so much fun to make! I love easy stuffed animal projects!

These no-sew socks are so easy that kids could probably make them themselves… or at least with minimal adult help. When my kids ask me to do a craft with them, it usually means I make something while they watch. So I love when we find crafts that they can do themselves!

This is the second sock animal we’ve made and they are so cute! You can check out the sock bunnies we made for Easter last month. They were super cute and the kids still love playing with them.

Hand Sock Puppet

I’ve Sewn and Lot of Stuffed Animals from Scratch, and These Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai Time of These Animals. And the kids love them just the same. You don’t need any special skills for this craft. In fact, I’m pretty sure no matter your craftiness level, you and your kids can totally make these socks!

Here is a list of what you will need. The affiliate links below will take you to products on Amazon similar to the supplies we used to make this craft:

I used girls size 13-4 socks from the dollar store. I’m sure adult socks would work too. You just want to make sure the socks are long enough to make a good worm.

How To Make Homemade Sock Puppets

Before you go out to buy stuffing, search the whole house for an old and flat pillow that no one uses anymore. Just make a small cut on one end of the pillow and you have a simple and completely FREE stuffing! I have an old pillow in my closet just for making. Even if the pillow is flat, just stretch the filling a little and it will breathe again.

Dragon Sock Puppet By Lyriael On Deviantart

You can use any small rubber band to hold it all together. I used these little hair clips that I got from the dollar store. Rainbow Looms would also work very well. You can even use thin, kitchen-sized elastic bands if that’s all you have.

I recommend arranging the filling first. Scoop out 5 balls of filling – the head should be a little bigger and the tail a little smaller. You want the balls to be big enough to fill the entire sock all the way up.

If you have a flat pillow, first stretch it to fluff it up, then roll it into a ball.

Spread the end of the sock and work the largest stuffing ball into the sock all the way to the toe.

Yellow Giraffe Sock Puppet Animal Professional Doll Handmade

Press the sock firmly around the ball of padding and stretch the elastic over it. The rubber bands were small, so I stretched them over the sock only twice. You want to make sure everything holds together properly.

Continue placing balls of stuffing into the sock, then pull the rubber bands over the sock to hold everything in place.

Hopefully you’ll be able to measure out enough balls of stuffing to get it all the way to the end of the sock.

How To Make Homemade Sock Puppets

I think it looks best if the worm (caterpillar?) has 5 sections, but this may depend on the length of your sock. If needed, feel free to add more balls of stuffing to fill the sock all the way up.

Easy Puppet Making Ideas For Kids

Place a 12-inch pipe cleaner under the worm head as shown in the photo below.

Wind the pipe cleaner over the rubber band and twist it a few times to hold it in place.

Press the ends of the pipe cleaner together and roll them up to create a spiral shape for the antennae.

I thought it looked best with the eyes placed directly above the leg seam

Ways To Make A Sock Puppet

Easy to make sock puppets, how to make sock puppets step by step, make sock puppets, how to make homemade puppets, how to make simple sock puppets, homemade sock puppets, how to make sock puppets at home, how to make sock puppets for preschoolers, how to make sock puppets easy, how to make animal sock puppets, how to make sock puppets, how do you make sock puppets

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