I Need My Husband To Discipline Me

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This edition of Ask Amanda is written by Lisa Fontes, a domestic violence expert with a Ph.D. in psychology.

I Need My Husband To Discipline Me

I Need My Husband To Discipline Me

Q: My husband makes me spank our children. My parents beat me when I was growing up but now I don’t believe in spanking children. We already have a lot of conflict at home. I don’t want them to be afraid. If I don’t hit them he will. What should be done? – Press to hit the kids

Focus On The Family

Research on corporal punishment is now clear: hitting children hurts them. Children who are hit are more likely to be aggressive – they learn that it is okay to hit others. Corporal punishment also damages the parent-child relationship and harms children’s mental health. Adults who were physically punished as children are more likely to abuse their own child or partner, perpetuating the cycle of abuse across generations. Corporal punishment scares children and hormones are released. Their fear damages their bodies, with long-term consequences including increased blood pressure and a greater chance of stroke, diabetes and heart problems. Although threatening and hitting the children may get the children to comply at this point, it is in their best interest that you and your husband stop hitting them. You need to find other ways to set clear, loving boundaries without physical force.

I Need My Husband To Discipline Me

As someone who works with families all the time, I can tell you that kids who are overwhelmed will be less likely to trust their parents when they have to make tough decisions in their teens, like about sex, alcohol, or shoplifting. One study found that seventy-five percent of cases of physical abuse began as corporal punishment. It is all too easy for parents to accidentally injure a child during a hit, if the child falls, for example, because the parent hits harder than intended.

Children in homes where there is a lot of conflict or domestic violence suffer even more than others when they are affected. A child’s brain can only handle so much exposure to trauma. The fear of one or both parents is just too much, on top of everything else they have been through. (This is why across the US, foster parents are not allowed to hit foster children – those children have already been traumatized).

I Need My Husband To Discipline Me

Powerful Prayers For Self Control

Which brings us to your problem. You only want what’s best for your children, so you’ve decided to stop hitting them. This is the right decision. Your husband is pressuring you to hit them and you know it’s wrong. If he continues to push you, perhaps threatening to hit them more if you don’t, this is a form of emotional abuse.

You are at an important and difficult juncture. Will you protect your children, even if it means ending your marriage? Many who have endured years of abuse take steps to abandon themselves to protect their children. Others are left behind and may face legal charges for failing to protect their children. Even worse, some remain and either lose custody of their children or watch their children suffer for years. Some children grow up blaming the parent who failed to protect them even more than the abuser.

I Need My Husband To Discipline Me

It’s easy to ignore this message. Please don’t. We, and the millions of people who use this non-profit website to prevent and avoid domestic violence, rely on your donations. A donation of $5 helps 25 people, $20 helps 100 people, and $100 helps 500 people. Please help keep this valuable resource online.

When Parents Disagree On Discipline: 8 Steps To Harmonious Parenting

If you think there is any chance that your husband will change the way he hits you, then you can definitely try. Do you know a pastor, teacher, pediatrician, or family member who is against butt-slapping who can talk to him? But if he is determined to beat your children, which is a form of abuse, then you must take steps to protect them while avoiding putting yourself at risk.

I Need My Husband To Discipline Me

Talk to an attorney at your local domestic violence agency. Create a safety plan for you and your children. A safe home is a home with a “no hitting” policy. And that means no one hits anyone else – adults don’t hit adults, adults don’t hit kids, and kids don’t hit each other either. A peaceful and loving home cannot include hitting.

Ask Amanda aims to provide helpful resources and information about domestic violence. If you are in crisis, contact your

I Need My Husband To Discipline Me

A Prayer For Your Husband’s Fatherhood

Looking for someone to chat with? Enter your location to find phone numbers for domestic violence specialists in your area. What is the Bible’s view of domestic discipline (so-called wife discipline)? What were the cultural beliefs about wife beating in pre-modern America? These are two different questions that we will answer in this new series.

There are many behaviors and teachings that were the norm from ancient civilizations to just before modern times that we as Bible believing Christians would disagree with. I’ve written about my disagreements with some of the teachings and practices of the early Church Fathers, the Reformers, and even my own church upbringing in Independent Fundamental Baptist churches.

I Need My Husband To Discipline Me

In other words, I would be the first to say that just because something was taught or practiced in the past does not make it moral or right. On the other hand, just because our modern culture thinks something is moral or immoral does not make it so. The question is how can we determine the morality of a particular belief or practice?

Clever Things To Do When Husband Disciplines You

Jesus Christ answered this question about how we can determine the morality of faith or practice when he said in Matthew 4:4 “…Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”

I Need My Husband To Discipline Me

“That is why we thank God constantly, because when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you did not receive it as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God that works in you. who believe”

The Word that God gave to the prophets before Christ, the Word that Christ himself spoke and the Word of God given to the apostles after Christ make up the Holy Scriptures. In 2 Timothy 3:16 we read that “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.”

I Need My Husband To Discipline Me

My Husband’s Two Children Are Disruptive And Naughty But He Refuses To Discipline Them

The scriptures are what we should base our beliefs and practices on. However, does this mean the story has no value? Of course not. We can learn from past civilizations and compare their behavior to the moral standards found in God’s Word. Then we can see how some past cultural practices that are in line with the teachings of the Bible have helped these cultures to be strong. We can also see how past cultural practices that violated Bible principles or commandments eventually led to the weakening and downfall of those past civilizations.

In this first article, we will show how the practice of domestic discipline is perfectly aligned with biblical principles and commandments regarding marriage. And then after that we’ll spend a few articles looking at cultural views of domestic discipline in premodern America.

I Need My Husband To Discipline Me

Throughout the Bible, God describes his relationship with us in one of two ways. As individuals, God envisions his relationship with us as the father of his children. But he envisions his relationship with his people as a group like husband and wife.

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“For your Maker is your MAN; Lord of hosts is his name; and your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel. He will be called the God of the whole earth”

I Need My Husband To Discipline Me

. And he constantly referred to the nation of Israel as his wife. When Israel was unfaithful to Him God said in Jeremiah 3:20

“As a WOMAN departs from her husband, so you have betrayed me, O house of Israel, says the Lord.”

I Need My Husband To Discipline Me

Signs You Are Too Strict With Your Child

“And he humbled you and starved you and gave you manna to eat, which you did not know and your fathers did not know. to let you know that man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord. Your clothes have not grown old on you, nor your foot swollen, these forty years. Think in your heart that as a man punishes his son, so the Lord your God punishes you.”

So God shows us that a husband disciplines his wife as his child. So how does God say that a child should be punished in the following passage:

I Need My Husband To Discipline Me

“Do not punish a child, for if you strike him with a stick, he will not die.” Proverbs 23:13 (KJV) “Rebuke your son while he has hope, and do not spare your soul his lamentation.” Proverbs 19:18 (KJV)

Can Religious Submission In Marriage Foster A New Divinity?

“13 And the Passover of the Jews was near, and Jesus went to Jerusalem. 14 And they found in the temple those who sold oxen, sheep, and doves, and the money changers sitting. 15 And already

I Need My Husband To Discipline Me

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