90s Cartoon Trivia Questions

90s Cartoon Trivia Questions – The nineties produced some of the best animation of all time and they certainly made Saturday mornings for many of us. Our 90s cartoon trivia picks up some of the best; How much can you imagine?

Maybe you were an avid follower of The Rugrats and their many adventures or more fixated on The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

90s Cartoon Trivia Questions

90s Cartoon Trivia Questions

We have 5 fun circuits to play; Some questions will really jog your memory while others are sure to put a smile on your face.

Quiz: How Well Do You Remember These 90s Nicktoons?

If you’re a ’90s kid, chances are you started your weekend watching your favorite cartoons.

90s Cartoon Trivia Questions

Every kid in the 90s had a cartoon of interest, with so many different characters that every kid could relate to at least one.

Cartoons really made the 90s for so many kids – remember, there were no handheld internet devices or thousands of TV channels, so what we had, we appreciated.

90s Cartoon Trivia Questions

Very Hard Disney Trivia Quiz

4: What was the name of the show with 2 talking mice that ran for 4 seasons (66 episodes) and was a spin-off from Animaniacs?

We covered some of the most beloved shows and characters in our first round of ’90s cartoon trivia, but this installment is a little different.

90s Cartoon Trivia Questions

2: What is the name of the 90s cartoon about three kindergarten girls, Buttercup, Bubbles, and Blossom, who live with their scientist father?

S Cartoon Trivia

6: This 90s cartoon featuring 4 teenagers became known for its profanity and dark, surreal humor aimed more at an adult audience.

90s Cartoon Trivia Questions

9: What was the name of the award-winning American animated horror-comedy TV series about a kind of dog that wasn’t very brave?

Even if you’re a super fan of 90s cartoons, we’re pretty sure some things will really surprise you!

90s Cartoon Trivia Questions

Nostalgic 90’s Cartoons Quiz: Test Your Knowledge!

We wanted to bring you the best of the most interesting, exciting and unknown facts from this golden era of cartoons – but of course, we don’t do it too easily!

You’ll need to use those brain cells to make it to the end of this round of our flawlessly rated ’90s cartoon trivia.

90s Cartoon Trivia Questions

If you’re prepared with a combination of wishful thinking and guesswork, you’ll learn some really cool stuff about ’90s cartoons in this roundup of our trivia.

S Cartoon Trivia Night

2: What 90s cartoon characters did Johnny Depp and Marlon Brando like to do while filming their movie Don Juan DeMarco?

90s Cartoon Trivia Questions

6: Which cartoon characters were accused by the Washington Post (among others) of designing “Nazi-era depictions of Jews”?

Theme songs often make up the cartoon and are certainly one of the most memorable aspects of the 90s for many kids.

90s Cartoon Trivia Questions

The Ultimate 90s Movie Trivia Questions And Answers

Maybe there’s something you liked but forgot all about – our 90s cartoon roundup can help!

We’ll give you a line from a popular 90s cartoon song and ask you to guess the correct show!

90s Cartoon Trivia Questions

5: “Every day you walk down the street, everyone you meet has an original point of view.”

This ’90s Animated Movie Trivia Quiz Is Harder Than You Think

6: “If you’re into nautical nonsense, toss it on deck and float like a fish!”

90s Cartoon Trivia Questions

7: “And we are the most insignificant, so just sit back and relax; You will laugh until you drop.

8: “Welcome to the land down below, the sky is always raining or shining yellow”

90s Cartoon Trivia Questions

Pixar Trivia Questions To Put You On A Quest, A Quiz Quest!

10: “I want to be the best, as no one has been. Catching them is my real test.’

How nostalgic was that?! We hope you got our 90s cartoon questions right, and even if you didn’t, you enjoyed the challenge. Here are some other trivia games you might want to try:

90s Cartoon Trivia Questions

We hope you enjoyed the little walk down memory lane and have some new ideas to add to your watch list (for your kids, of course!) Looking for some little nighttime inspiration? You can relive your childhood with our list of cartoon questions. We cover the most famous cartoon characters and series with our trivia bank. Test your trivia skills with exciting categories of classic cartoon trivia, cartoon character trivia, Disney cartoon trivia and nostalgic 90s cartoon trivia.

Tv Trivia Questions And Answers — Easy And Hard

When you think of cartoon classics, The Simpsons and The Flintstones come to mind. We start you off with this intriguing list of classic cartoon questions.

90s Cartoon Trivia Questions

How well do you know our cartoon characters? Many funny personalities make up our fun list of cartoon character trivia questions. Test your knowledge and answer these challenges below.

Disney has given birth to some of the most famous cartoon characters, shows and movies. You can feel like a kid again by tackling this engaging list of Disney cartoon trivia questions.

90s Cartoon Trivia Questions

The ’90s Film Frenzy: 123 Totally Rad Trivia Questions!

The 90s were an iconic decade for cartoons. You can educate yourself about science while visiting the Magic School Bus. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles gives you the rush to be a superhero. CatDog always provides a much needed smile at the end of the day. You can definitely test your knowledge with these interesting questions about 90s cartoons.

Use this list of 80 cartoon questions to bring life back to trivia night. This cartoon trivia challenge can bring back the nostalgia and inspire you to go back and watch some of your favorite classics!

90s Cartoon Trivia Questions

Susan graduated from Arizona State University with a BA in English with a double minor in Humanities and Business and a Masters in Educational Administration from Liberty University. She teaches grades IV to XII in both public and private schools. Subjects included English, US and world history and geography, mathematics, earth and physical sciences, Bible, information technology and creative writing.

Cartoon Trivia Questions & Answers (easy To Hard)

Susan has been a freelance writer for over ten years, during which time she has written and edited books, newspaper articles, biographies, book reviews, guidebooks, neighborhood descriptions for realtors, PowerPoint presentations, resumes, and many other projects. Kyle is the founder. , relationship and dating coach and conversation and communication expert. Her work has been featured in Marriage.com, Readers Digest, Vice, Ask Men, and Refinery29. he…

90s Cartoon Trivia Questions

Now that cartoons aren’t just for kids, it’s only fair to learn some cartoon trivia questions so you have something ready when needed.

You know, when a team meeting gets boring when you and your best friend are stuck in traffic, or when the lights go out and you and your kids are stuck at your house, these trivia questions will save the day. The best part here is that you will all learn new things along the way.

90s Cartoon Trivia Questions

Fun Free Pop Culture Trivia Questions And Answers!

The best cartoon trivia questions are the ones that almost everyone can relate to, it’s almost surprising that these facts weren’t common knowledge. Ask these questions and you are sure to turn a boring moment into a fun one in no time.

1. How many years after Mickey Mouse’s debut did Minnie Mouse make her first appearance?

90s Cartoon Trivia Questions

Minnie Mouse appeared with Mickey Mouse in Steamboat Willie, a 1928 animated short produced by Walt Disney and Ub Iworks.

Can You Name These Cartoon Characters From The 90s?

When you hear the word cartoon, the first thought that comes to your mind is that it is for children. And while most movie trivia questions are fine to ask kids, we can’t deny that there are some trivia questions that are just for adults. For this reason, it would be better to ask questions that are really aimed at children. Don’t worry though, we’ve got you covered with this trivia for kids.

90s Cartoon Trivia Questions

Retroville is an area located in the Central Standard Time Zone with a tax rate of 4%. It is equipped with an emergency siren system that alerts residents when the city is in danger.

Just like we mentioned earlier, there are questions that are meant for adults. These adult trivia are the ones that require mature understanding and a broader knowledge base. Choose one of these when you are sure there are no children in your group.

90s Cartoon Trivia Questions

This ’90s Nickelodeon Cartoon Quiz Will Test Any ’90s Kid’s Knowledge

Pumbaa is said to have a strong odor, which makes other animals reject him. He firmly believes in hakuna mata, which means no worries.

That’s because a place called East of Eden, located in Riley’s new San Francisco neighborhood, serves broccoli pizza.

90s Cartoon Trivia Questions

Now, when we say trivia, we automatically think that the questions are difficult. After all, they are meant to ask you questions and test your knowledge of a particular topic. However, there are also easy trivia questions, which act as quick icebreakers or something to prepare you for the harder questions. Pick one of these and don’t worry about the questions themselves, bet you know the answers to most of them.

S Flashback Frenzy: 204 Questions Cooler Than A Tamagotchi

Together with his fellow ninjas Kai, Zen, Nia, Jay and Cole and their ancient mentor Wu, he fights against the forces of evil.

90s Cartoon Trivia Questions

Bikini Bottom is located in the Pacific Ocean, with an official population of 538, based on welcome signs that read “Whatever Happened to SpongeBob?” Appeared in the episode.

And yes, if there are easy trivia questions, we also have hard ones

90s Cartoon Trivia Questions

Could You Rule At Cartoon Trivia Night? Take The Quiz!

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