Bhagavad Gita – Most of us are familiar with the Bhagavad Gita. It is a popular and easily accessible Hindu text. Although not technically a shruti (the edited body of the Vedas, understood directly), the Gita still contains the meaning of the Upanishads within it. As mentioned in the Dhyaana shlokas traditionally recited before chanting the Gita:

(All the Upanis are cows; Krishna is the cowherd; Milicer is the cowherd; Arjuna is the calf; Wise and holy men drink milk, the immortal nectar of the Gita.)

Bhagavad Gita

Bhagavad Gita

However, it is not enough to read the Gita or understand its wisdom. That is only the tip of the iceberg. The goal is to reach Arjuna’s world at the end of the Gita –

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(Arjuna said – O Acyuta, (my) delusion has been destroyed and I have restored memory through your grace. Stand with my doubts removed; I will follow Your instructions.) (Translation by Swami Gambhirananda).

Bhagavad Gita

To achieve tadaatmya (the idea of ​​oneness) and the beginning of the Bhagavad Gita and the transformation that Arjuna experiences requires sadhana, a practice of concentration and self-discipline that focuses on spiritual cultivation, and adhyaayana, which goes beyond study but but. highest. beyond investigation or the meaning of the word at deeper levels of awareness.

In this sense, we should devote a daily portion to the sacred teachings and spiritual practices related to the Bhagavad Gita. If not daily, then at least on a regular basis, perhaps weekly or monthly, we should spend time with the Gita.

Bhagavad Gita

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Ideally, this should be done with the help of a guru or sampradaya and parampara. But even if we don’t belong to a sampradaya or a teacher, we can follow certain practices to get the most out of the Bhagavad Gita.

The recent great mahant was Swami Ramsukhdas-Ji Maharaj. He taught and wrote extensively on the Bhagavd Gita. His commentary on the Bhagavd Gita, Sadhak-Sanjeevani, is a unique jewel in the Bhagavad Gita writings. The English translation is over 2,000 pages long, as detailed and in-depth as reviews.

Bhagavad Gita

It is written from the sadhana and provides detailed information about various aspects of the Gita – for example, that the first syllable in the Gita is Dha- and the last is -rma tes the role of the Gita as a text. on Dharma.

Bhagavad Gita As It Is Nepali (नेपाली)

It is a book that every faithful follower of the Gita or student of spiritual research must read. The English translation can be read online here. It can also be obtained from Gita Press, Gorakhpur.

Bhagavad Gita

One great thing about this book is that there are appendices that give instructions and guidance on the proper vidhi, procedure or procedure, for chanting the Gita as a sadhana, including nyaasa (chanting certain words while touching different parts of the book.hands and other parts of the body to ask the power of the word to be a person) and read the first word. I will only mention a few important points here.

Swami Ramsukhdas-ji Maharaj explains the three stages of meditation. One, the srshtikrama method, is reciting the Gita from beginning to end. The second method, samhaarakrama, is to read the last verse of the 18th chapter to the first verse of the first chapter.

Bhagavad Gita

Talking Bhagavad Gita

The third method, stithikrama, is to recite the first verse of the sixth chapter to the last verse of the 18th chapter and then read the last verse of the fifth chapter to the first verse of the first chapter.

A special practice that creates more energy in sadhana is described by Swami Ramsukhdas-ji Maharaj. These are samputa and samputavali calculator types. In this method, one column is selected as a sample column. For example, when I saw this practice, I used the charama shloka ( sarvadharmānparityajya māmēkaṅ śaraṇaṅ vraja / ahaṅ tvā sarvapāpēbhyō mōkṣayiṣyāmi mā śucaḥ.

Bhagavad Gita

Then, I started with the sample book, read verse 1 of part 1, then read verse 1 of part 1, read verse 2 of part 1, and finish reading that part of the Gita in this section. A variation of this method, the samputavali method, doubles the samputa verse.

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As Swami Ramsukhdas-ji Maharaj explains, the practice of this method gives extraordinary powers. I experienced this myself when I did this for a few months. The verses of the Gita penetrate deep into the human body and the subtle psyche and create deep vrttis from within, all to strengthen and reinforce the vrtti of the samputa mantra.

Bhagavad Gita

Swami Ramsukhdas-ji Maharaj also says that the Gita can be chanted completely at one time, nine chapters a day, six chapters a day, three chapters a day or two chapters a day. Additional technology options are also offered.

The text of the dhyaana shlokas and phala shruti (the last verses of the Bhagavad Gita, which are recited at the end of each part of the recitation) can be found in Swami Sivananda’s English translation and in the Roman text, available here. With this, one can establish a habit of chanting the Bhagavad Gita. To help with the correct pronunciation, there are many audio tapes and videos available on the Internet.

Bhagavad Gita

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Today, there are many writings on the Gita. For early reading and study, the English translations of Swami Swarupananda of the Ramakrishna Mission and Swami Sivananda of the Divine Life Society are good. It is easy to read and has simple and clear definitions with only a few comments.

To reach a deeper level, it is helpful to read traditional commentaries from various Hindu darshanas. The Bhagavad Gita is one of the three texts of the traya prasthana, the three canonical texts of Vedanta, with the Brahma Sutras and the Upanishads being the other two of the three. There are commentaries on each of these texts that describe darshana in each of the major schools of Hindu thought.

Bhagavad Gita

Although the Shankara bhashya is the most popular (and Swami Gambhirananda has an excellent translation), it is not for everyone and may not be the easiest commentary on the Bhagavad Gita to start with.

Life Changing Verses You Must Learn From Bhagavad Gita

Two other recommended commentaries are Sri Ramanuja Gita Bhashya and Sri Madhusudana Sarasvati Gudhartha Deepika. Sri Ramanuja bhashya is based on Vishistadvaita Vedanta (proper non-dualism).

Bhagavad Gita

Gudhartha Deepika comes from Advaita but is fully integrated with Bhakti, making it highly relevant to many people. He also elaborates on every word of the Gita, including simple words like ‘ca’ (and) and ‘tu’ (but). Of course, there are many important reviews, but these are the ones that I have experienced and benefited from in my reading.

There are several reasons why it is useful to delve deeper into traditional reviews. First, it provides ontological clarity. Each of the traditional darshanas of Hindu philosophy has its own worldview and perspective.

Bhagavad Gita

Chapter 11, Verse 32

These commentaries gloss over particular darshana (eg, Advaita, Vishishtadvaita and Dvaita) of the Gita, which provide the sadhaka with an integrated perspective and way of understanding the Gita.

This broadens and strengthens his understanding and shraddha in his sampradaya or tradition. It is not that one darshana is right and another is wrong – different darshanas are suitable for different people. Also, these comments are not just dry theory.

Bhagavad Gita

By focusing on studying these scriptures with sincerity and devotion, the blessings of the ritual will return and act as a great help in the pursuit of fulfillment.

Bhagavad Gita Applied Wisdom Ebook By Ashwini Kumar Aggarwal

Finally, by studying different commentators, one develops an appreciation for the richness and depth of the Bhagavad Gita – how it can be understood and interpreted in different ways and how each reading can bring its insight.

Bhagavad Gita

For example, in Gudhartha Deepika, Sri Madhusudana Sarasvati divides the Bhagavad Gita into three parts of six chapters each as follows: the first six chapters deal with Karma yoga (the path to the ultimate goal) and the last six chapters deal with with that goal. (name).

The six central chapters deal with bhakti and Iswara anugraha, which facilitate the transition from karma to jnana. He also organizes the three chapters according to the mahavakya Tat Tvam Asi (Thou art That) – the first six chapters describe ‘Thou art That’ (Tvam); The second chapter is about ‘That’ (Tat) and the third part of the chapters shows the meaning of all the words, ‘Tat Tvam Asi’ on jnana.

Bhagavad Gita

Bhagavad Gita As It Is (small) Pocket Edition (hindi)

There are eighteen chapters in Sri Yamunacharya’s Gitartha-sangraha, which provided the basis and framework for Sri Ramanuja’s bhashya on the Gita. The first six are considered karma nishkamya (unwilling) and jnana

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