Burning And Stinging Eyes

Burning And Stinging Eyes – Health + Defense Everything you need to know about the possible causes of puffy eyes, dark circles, red eyes and burning and how to get rid of them.

Have you ever had puffy eyes, dark circles, red or burnt eyes? These are unpleasant symptoms with many possible causes. Better Vision says: What causes puffy eyes, dark circles, red and burning eyes, and how can you prevent them?

Burning And Stinging Eyes

Burning And Stinging Eyes

Too little sleep, the wrong glasses, allergies, eye infections or spending too much time in front of the screen: there are many things that can irritate our sensitive eyes. So it’s no wonder that complaints like puffy eyes, dark circles or red or burning eyes are so common. But there are effective ways to avoid them. We’ll tell you how.

Dry Eye And Hormones

Symptoms of puffy eyes Symptoms of puffy eyes The eyes and eyelids are swollen, red and sensitive to pressure. Sometimes itching, wetness and a burning sensation occur. It usually affects both eyes; Symptoms rarely affect only one eye. Causes Causes of puffy eyes You may be aware of some common causes of puffy eyes; looking in the mirror in the morning is enough to remind you of what happened last night. Too little sleep, stale air (which happens when it’s too hot or stuffy) or crying can make the eyes very tight and puffy. This is because the skin around our eyes is much thinner than our face. This means that signs of tension and fatigue are more noticeable around the eyes. But puffy eyes can be hereditary or a result of the aging process, and there are many other causes. If your dinner is salty or high in protein, your eyes may be puffy the next morning. This is aggravated by sleeping horizontally, which impedes the flow of lymphatic fluid in the eye area. This fluid accumulates at night and causes swelling. Allergies (usually related to pollen, dust, or animal dander) and intolerance to certain medications or foods can cause puffy eyes. Acute neurodermatitis can cause swollen, sore, and/or dry eyes. What’s more, some eye infections can cause inflammation, such as conjunctivitis or styes. Eye problems may indicate another disease. For example, kidney or heart disease, an underactive thyroid, or high blood pressure can also cause puffy eyes. The eyes are often swollen with a cold, especially if the sinuses are also affected. Dehydration can also cause puffy eyes. Dry eyes, wearing contacts for long periods of time, being exposed to hot air or spending hours in front of a screen can make your eyes puffy. Some medications dry out the eyes and cause inflammation as a result. Injuries to the head, face, or eyes can also cause swelling. When the hormone estrogen is produced during menstruation, many women notice water retention around the eyelids. How To Get Rid Of Puffy Eyes How To Get Rid Of Puffy Eyes There are several treatments available depending on the cause of the puffiness. In general, if the symptoms do not go away on their own, it is best to consult an ophthalmologist to find out what is causing them. This also applies to recurring symptoms or those that appear suddenly and do not go away immediately. There are some simple, tried and true home remedies that can provide quick relief from puffy eyes. Like most types of inflammation, cold can do wonders. You can try placing a cold tea bag on your swollen eyelids (green tea helps reduce swelling). Or why not treat your eyes to a cooling cucumber mask? Note: Some people may be allergic to a black tea bag. If so, throw away the tea bag immediately. Here’s a practical alternative: Put two tablespoons in the freezer for five minutes. Then place the spoons on the puffy eyes, with the concave side facing inwards. Not only is the cold comforting, but it also reduces inflammation. Important: Please do not put the spoons in the freezer because they are very cold. Putting spoons in your eyes should never be uncomfortable. If this is the case, immediately remove the spoons from the eyes and wait a while for the metal to start heating up. If you regularly suffer from puffy eyes, it’s a good idea to use a cooling eye mask (available at drugstores and beauty and health retailers). The gel-infused mask is beautifully cooling and therefore soothes and refreshes the sensitive skin around the eyes. If the inflammation is caused by dry eyes, special eye drops can help stabilize the tear film and keep the eyes moist. This will reduce the irritation. Again, if an allergen is causing inflammation, antihistamines (available over the counter) can provide rapid relief of acute symptoms. Specific medications work to treat allergies and reduce or prevent allergic reactions. Awareness can help overcome allergies; Also known as specific immunotherapy. Here, allergy sufferers are given a much weaker form of the substance they are allergic to. Then it is repeated between six months and three years. Thus, the body gradually “accepts” the allergen, in the best case, without showing an immune reaction. If high blood pressure, heart disease, or kidney disease is causing inflammation, your doctor can help you find the best treatment to address the cause. If neurodermatitis causes inflammation, you will usually be prescribed a cortisone cream if your symptoms are severe. As not all creams and lotions are suitable for all areas of the skin, always consult a doctor before treating the sensitive area around the eyes. An eye infection can cause swelling of the eyes. There are various treatments depending on the type of inflammation. Read on to learn about the most common eye infections and how to treat and/or prevent them. Prevention Prevention of puffy eyes Since puffy eyes cause puffy eyes, prevention takes many forms. Avoid common triggers whenever possible: drinking alcohol in the evening or eating foods high in salt or protein. Also, puffy eyes can be prevented by following these tips: Get as much sleep as possible and try to maintain a consistent sleep pattern. Seven hours of sleep is ideal for most people. Your bedroom should not be too hot because it can irritate your eyes. Everyone is different as to how hot the bedroom should be, but the rule of thumb is to keep the temperature between 60 and 68 degrees. Since bad air can irritate the eyes, all rooms should be ventilated regularly to prevent dryness, irritation and inflammation. Dehydration can cause dry and puffy eyes. That’s why it’s so important to drink plenty of fluids, 64 ounces of water a day. Eating less sugar can also help prevent puffy eyes. Many allergies can cause puffy eyes and dark circles. Eating too much sugar or alcohol or using cosmetics with fragrances or preservatives can also irritate the skin. In people with neurodermatitis, it can cause swollen eyes. Therefore, people with neurodermatitis should follow a healthy lifestyle and refrain from using harmful skin care products. If the swelling is caused by an eye infection, there are several preventative measures available depending on the type.

Burning And Stinging Eyes

Dark under eyes Symptoms of dark circles under the eyes The skin under the eyes darkens. Depending on the intensity of the dark circles, the eyes may appear squinty; Severe dark circles make some people look unhealthy. Affected areas may appear brown, blue, gray, or bluish-purple. The cause of dark circles is usually harmless and should not be confused with a black eye, which is a bruise caused by an external force. Causes Causes of dark circles under the eyes In most cases, dark circles are only a cosmetic and temporary problem. There are two main reasons: 1. Excess pigment in the skin (hyperpigmentation) Skin color is controlled by factors such as the pigment melanin. It is a substance in the cells that determines the color of our skin. The more melanin we have, the darker our skin will be. If a large amount of melanin accumulates around the eyes, it will appear as dark blue or blue-gray circles. In medicine, it is known as hyperpigmentation or melasma. Dark circles caused by hyperpigmentation can be hereditary. Other causes are: infections, diseases, rashes (neurodermatitis, contact allergies) drugs with frequent and intense UV exposure and certain medications 2. Transparent containers The second most common cause of dark ocher is transparent tubes. There is thin skin and subcutaneous fat under the eyes – sometimes,

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