Feminist Movies To Watch – From action to comedy, these must-see feminist films feature smart, resourceful women who continue to defy expectations. Equality now!
Feminism is defined as the belief that men and women deserve equal rights in all things – personally, socially, economically and politically. Seems like a no-brainer, right? However, even in 2021, we are far from gender equality. From tech to medicine to politics, most industries are dominated by men, and the same goes for movies. Whether it’s movies for a long weekend or movies so scary you should sleep with the light on, the majority of movies (about 60 percent) have a male character. Most directors, producers and writers are men, and men win every Oscar: Kathryn Bigelow is the only woman to win an Oscar for Best Director in 2009.
Feminist Movies To Watch
. Of course, we as individuals don’t have the power to change an entire industry, but we can choose what we use and what we encourage others to use, and how we make an impact. We can do what is born. We can call out injustice and inequality wherever we see it, whether it’s online or in person, and if you don’t know where to start, adding feminist films to your watchlist is a great way to break free. of the. Whether you want to educate yourself, the men or young men in your life, this is a cathartic feminist film where strong women fight against patriarchy for everyone! Oh, and there’s also a great book written by a female author about it.
How The ‘barbie’ Movie Is Full Of Feminism And Girl Power
This inspiring film tells the story of three black American women – Katherine Johnson (Taraji P Henson), Dorothy Vaughan (Octavia Spencer) and Mary Jackson (Janelle Monae) – who work as mathematicians at NASA’s Langley Research Center on Race and Gender. do Struggling against misogyny and racial discrimination, three women play an integral part in the space race, helping astronaut John Glenn’s successful launch into orbit. For more incredible women in STEM, check out these facts about the women of NASA.
It was an instant classic in the early 1990s and still is today. Thelma and Louise are best friends living a miserable life in Arkansas; Thelma (Geena Davis) is married to a controlling car salesman, while Louise (Susan Sarandon) works as a waitress and meets an eccentric musician. A couple goes on a weekend fishing vacation that turns into an exciting road trip when they meet a dirty man after a desperation defeats them. The ending of this feminist film is absolutely brilliant and will not be spoiled here! Gather your girlfriends and get ready to laugh, cry and cheer. You’ll be planning a girls’ road trip before you know it.
Salma Hayek stars as a Mexican artist in this epic biopic. Frida Kahlo is known for her self-portraits and realistic painting style, which explores gender, race, class, and postcolonialism in Mexico. Every feminist film needs a strong woman who moves to the beat of its drama, and Kahlo has always been extraordinary herself and an inspiration to women everywhere. Hayek brings the artist to life through his intense love life, incredible artistic achievements, and personal struggles. Few women have had as great an impact on the art world as Kahlo, and her influence is still felt today in artists of all genres. Kahlo is one of the amazing Spanish women who changed the world.
Women Make Movies
The film tells the story of four college friends (Stoke Channing, Bette Midler, Goldie Hawn and Dean Keaton) who reconnect after the death of one of them. Finding that they are all middle-aged and divorced or suffering from marital problems, their husbands have gone off with younger women. The remaining three friends form the First Ways Club, seeking to repair the damage done by the men in their lives. The film is a humorous look at female friendships, social ambitions, racial animosity and the problems of our patriarchal society dismissing older women. These moments changed women’s history forever.
Based on the Polynesian mythology, this is a wonderful film in a new era of Disney princess stories. Moana is the daughter of a chief chosen by the sea to restore the god’s heart, which was stolen by Maui, the cunning god, 1,000 years ago. When her island home is overrun by an evil that is forcing its people to starve, Moana sets out to fulfill her destiny, battling gods and monsters along the way. Like all Disney movies, the message is that dreams can come true through a combination of self-confidence and teamwork (and singing), so kids will get an extra kick, but people of all ages will enjoy this feminist film. Everyone will love these fun family movies.
In the 20 years since the movie came out, Ellie Woods (Reese Witherspoon) has become a feminist icon for blondes everywhere, brunettes everywhere, and redheads everywhere… basically, for everyone who’s ever had a man. Tell them they can’t. Do something because of their gender (or hair color). Ellie Woods is ready to marry her boyfriend when he tells her that he is not serious enough for her. Galaxy, Ellie prepares to get her back, but as she regains her drive and confidence, she realizes she can live up to her potential and build the career of her dreams. This feminist film is endlessly relatable, inspiring and rewatchable. These are the funniest movies of all time.
What The Femme: Feminism In Holiday Horror
This classic sports movie is set during World War II, when Major League Baseball is threatened with all men going to war, and Cubs entrepreneur Walter Harvey starts a women’s league. The film follows the women who make Rockfo Peaches, including sisters Dottie (Gena Davis) and Kitty (Lori Petty). Even if you’re not a baseball fan, seeing women breaking stereotypes of being exceptionally athletic and strong makes this one of the great feminist movies. Have you ever wondered how Galentine’s Day came to be?
Located in New Zealand, in a small Maori village. Pai (Kisha Castle-Hughes) is a direct descendant of her grandmother Paikea, who descended from the ancient home of the Polynesian people in New Zealand, and whose male descendants become village leaders. Pai, whose birth brother and mother died at birth, is not allowed to inherit the leadership because she is a woman, despite her parents. Castle-Hughes’ performance earned her an Oscar nomination, and the story of Pie’s struggle against patriarchal tradition is truly heartwarming. She is definitely on the list of deserving women.
It is a story of mothers and daughters and the balance between two cultures, Chinese and American. Based on the acclaimed book by Amy Tan (who also wrote the screenplay), the film also features a prominent female producer and is edited and scored by women. Because the film focuses heavily on women’s stories, director Wen Wang filled 50 speaking parts with women. Actors and only ten men. The combination of female cast and crew makes for a great feminist film! The story describes the mothers’ lives before and after they left China, and the impact their experiences had on their American-born daughters. It’s a fascinating portrayal of these close relationships, and one of the most acclaimed portrayals of Chinese-Americans on screen at the time. To go beyond the usual stereotypes. You may not have heard of these amazing Asians. – in the American school.
The 13 Best Feminist Horror Movies Ever Made
It instantly became a classic feminist film. From her home island populated entirely by warrior women to entering a World War II-era society where women didn’t even have the right to vote, Diana Prince (aka Wonder Woman) shows her true self. Strength and power is not only from his lasso. And swo, but in her traditionally “feminine” qualities: compassion, kindness and emotional intelligence. Also, it’s somewhat satisfying to see a group of incredible warrior women defeat an army of men. Watch this with your girls.
Starring Reese Witherspoon and Laura Dern, this feminist film is based on Cheryl Strayed’s memoir of walking 1,100 miles of the Pacific Trail in the 1990s. Witherspoon acquired the rights to the book as part of her production company’s focus on women’s stories. Misbah’s decision to pursue PCT came when his life fell into chaos following the death of his mother and the breakup of his marriage. As Stray takes the difficult path, his story of grief and loss is told in flashbacks as he works through his emotions. Full of amazing experiences, this movie will make you want to hit the trail.
A classic story of a woman and her cat overcoming impossible odds to survive. Sigourney Weaver is Ripley: Smart, brave, resourceful and desperately trying to survive an alien attack on Boa’s spaceship.
Inspirational Movies To Watch For Girls! 
. The role launched Weaver’s decades-long career and provided a much-needed template for female leads in science fiction film and television. Replay
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