How to Showcase Your Certificate on Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile

How to Showcase Your Certificate on Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile

In today’s competitive job market, it’s more important than ever to make your resume and LinkedIn profile stand out. One way to do this is to add relevant certificates that demonstrate your skills and knowledge.

Certificates can be earned from a variety of sources, including colleges, universities, online learning platforms, and professional associations. They cover a wide range of topics, from technical skills to soft skills. When you add a certificate to your resume and LinkedIn profile, you’re showing potential employers that you’re motivated and committed to your career.

To add a certificate to your resume, simply list it in the “Education” section. Include the name of the certificate, the issuing institution, the date you earned it, and a brief description of the skills or knowledge you gained. You can also add a link to the certificate if it’s available online.

How to add a certificate to your resume and LinkedIn profile

Highlight skills and knowledge.

  • Choose relevant certificates.
  • Add to resume education section.
  • Include name, issuer, date.
  • Add brief description.
  • Link to online certificate.
  • Update LinkedIn profile.
  • Add to skills and endorsements.
  • Share in posts and articles.
  • Keep certificates up-to-date.
  • Use keywords for searchability.

Showcase your achievements and boost your job prospects.

Choose relevant certificates.

When choosing certificates to add to your resume and LinkedIn profile, it’s important to select those that are relevant to your career goals and demonstrate your skills and knowledge. Here are some factors to consider when selecting certificates:

  • Job requirements: Review job descriptions for positions you’re interested in and identify the skills and certifications that are commonly required. Prioritize certificates that align with these requirements.
  • Industry trends: Stay up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in your industry. Choose certificates that reflect in-demand skills and emerging technologies.
  • Personal development: Consider certificates that align with your personal and professional development goals. These might include certificates in leadership, communication, or project management.
  • Credibility and reputation: Choose certificates from reputable institutions and organizations. Look for certificates that are accredited or recognized by industry experts.

By selecting relevant certificates, you can effectively showcase your qualifications and make a strong impression on potential employers and recruiters.

Once you’ve chosen the right certificates, you can add them to your resume and LinkedIn profile to boost your job prospects.

Add to resume education section.

To add a certificate to your resume’s education section, follow these steps:

  1. Create a dedicated section: If you don’t already have an “Education” or “Certifications” section on your resume, create one. Place it prominently near the top of your resume, below your contact information and professional summary.
  2. List your certificates: Under the “Education” or “Certifications” section, list each certificate you’ve earned. Include the following information for each certificate:
  • Certificate name: The full name of the certificate.
  • Issuing institution: The name of the institution or organization that issued the certificate.
  • Date earned: The month and year you earned the certificate.

You can also add a brief description of each certificate, highlighting the skills and knowledge you gained. Keep your descriptions concise and relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Here’s an example of how to list a certificate on your resume:


  • Certified Scrum Master (CSM), Scrum Alliance, March 2023
  • CompTIA A+ Certification, CompTIA, June 2022

By adding your certificates to your resume’s education section, you’re providing potential employers with a clear and concise overview of your skills and qualifications.

Include name, issuer, date.

When listing your certificates on your resume and LinkedIn profile, be sure to include the following information for each certificate:

  • Certificate name: The full name of the certificate. This should be the same name that appears on your certificate.
  • Issuing institution: The name of the institution or organization that issued the certificate. This could be a college, university, online learning platform, or professional association.
  • Date earned: The month and year you earned the certificate. If you’re still working on a certificate, you can list the expected completion date.

Here are some examples of how to list certificates with the required information:

  • Certified Scrum Master (CSM), Scrum Alliance, March 2023
  • CompTIA A+ Certification, CompTIA, June 2022
  • Google Analytics Individual Qualification, Google, In progress

By including the certificate name, issuing institution, and date earned, you’re providing potential employers and recruiters with a clear understanding of your qualifications.

In addition to the required information, you can also add a brief description of each certificate. This is a great opportunity to highlight the skills and knowledge you gained and how they relate to the job you’re applying for.

Add brief description.

In addition to the certificate name, issuing institution, and date earned, you can also add a brief description of each certificate on your resume and LinkedIn profile. This is a great opportunity to highlight the skills and knowledge you gained and how they relate to the job you’re applying for.

Here are some tips for writing effective certificate descriptions:

  • Keep it concise: Your description should be no more than 2-3 sentences.
  • Use keywords: Include relevant keywords that potential employers and recruiters may be searching for.
  • Highlight your skills and knowledge: Focus on the skills and knowledge you gained from the certificate that are relevant to the job you’re applying for.
  • Quantify your achievements: If possible, use numbers to quantify your achievements. For example, you could say “Increased sales by 15%” or “Reduced costs by 20%.”
  • Proofread carefully: Make sure your description is free of errors before you add it to your resume and LinkedIn profile.

Here are some examples of effective certificate descriptions:

  • Certified Scrum Master (CSM), Scrum Alliance, March 2023

    “Demonstrated proficiency in Scrum methodologies and agile project management principles. Led Scrum teams to successful project completion.”
  • CompTIA A+ Certification, CompTIA, June 2022

    “Proven ability to troubleshoot and resolve hardware and software issues. Expertise in computer assembly, installation, and maintenance.”
  • Google Analytics Individual Qualification, Google, In progress

    “Working towards certification in Google Analytics. Demonstrated understanding of web analytics concepts and tools. Proficient in using Google Analytics to track website traffic and performance.”

By adding brief descriptions to your certificates, you’re making it easier for potential employers and recruiters to understand your skills and qualifications. This can help you stand out from other candidates and land your dream job.

Link to online certificate.

If you have an online certificate, you can add a link to it on your resume and LinkedIn profile. This is a great way to provide potential employers and recruiters with easy access to your certification and verify your skills and qualifications.

To add a link to your online certificate, follow these steps:

  1. Find the URL of your certificate: Log in to the platform or website where you earned your certificate and find the URL of the certificate page. This is usually a unique URL that you can share with others.
  2. Create a hyperlink: On your resume and LinkedIn profile, create a hyperlink that will take users to your certificate page. To do this, highlight the text that you want to link (such as the certificate name) and click the “Insert Link” button in your resume or LinkedIn editor.
  3. Paste the URL: In the “Insert Link” dialog box, paste the URL of your certificate page into the “Link To” field. Click “Insert” to save your changes.

Here’s an example of how to link to an online certificate on your resume:


  • CompTIA A+ Certification, CompTIA, June 2022

Here’s an example of how to link to an online certificate on your LinkedIn profile:


  • CompTIA A+ Certification, CompTIA, June 2022

By linking to your online certificate, you’re making it easy for potential employers and recruiters to verify your skills and qualifications. This can help you stand out from other candidates and land your dream job.

Note that not all certificates are available online. If you have a physical certificate, you can still add it to your resume and LinkedIn profile. Simply follow the steps outlined in the previous sections to list the certificate name, issuing institution, and date earned.

Update LinkedIn profile.

In addition to adding your certificates to your resume, you should also update your LinkedIn profile to reflect your new credentials. This will help potential employers and recruiters find you and learn more about your skills and qualifications.

  • Add certificates to your profile: Log in to your LinkedIn account and go to your profile page. Click the “Add Profile Section” button and select “Certifications.” Enter the certificate name, issuing institution, and date earned. You can also add a link to your online certificate.
  • Update your skills and endorsements: Review your skills and endorsements on your LinkedIn profile. Add any new skills that you’ve gained from your certificate program. You can also ask colleagues and clients to endorse your skills.
  • Share your certificates in posts and articles: Share your certificates in LinkedIn posts and articles to let your connections know about your accomplishments. You can also share links to your online certificate or your LinkedIn profile.
  • Use keywords in your profile: When writing your LinkedIn profile, use relevant keywords that potential employers and recruiters may be searching for. This will help your profile appear in more search results.

By updating your LinkedIn profile to reflect your certificates, you’re making it easier for potential employers and recruiters to find you and learn more about your skills and qualifications. This can help you stand out from other candidates and land your dream job.

Add to skills and endorsements.

One of the best ways to highlight your certificates on LinkedIn is to add them to your skills and endorsements section. This will make it easy for potential employers and recruiters to see your skills and qualifications at a glance.

  • Add skills related to your certificates: Review the skills that you gained from your certificate program and add them to your LinkedIn skills section. Use relevant keywords that potential employers and recruiters may be searching for.
  • Ask for endorsements from colleagues and clients: Reach out to colleagues and clients who can vouch for your skills and ask them to endorse you on LinkedIn. Endorsements from respected professionals can help you stand out from other candidates.
  • Use keywords in your skills and endorsements: When writing your skills and endorsements, use relevant keywords that potential employers and recruiters may be searching for. This will help your profile appear in more search results.
  • Keep your skills and endorsements up-to-date: As you gain new skills and qualifications, be sure to update your LinkedIn skills and endorsements section. This will help you stay relevant in your field and attract new job opportunities.

By adding your certificates to your LinkedIn skills and endorsements section, you’re making it easy for potential employers and recruiters to see your skills and qualifications. This can help you stand out from other candidates and land your dream job.

Share in posts and articles.

Another great way to showcase your certificates on LinkedIn is to share them in posts and articles. This is a great opportunity to highlight your skills and knowledge and position yourself as an expert in your field.

  • Create a post about your certificate: Share a post on LinkedIn announcing your new certificate and highlighting the skills and knowledge you gained. Include a link to your online certificate or your LinkedIn profile.
  • Write an article about your certificate: Write an article on LinkedIn sharing your experience earning your certificate and the benefits it has brought you. Include tips and advice for others who are interested in pursuing a similar certificate.
  • Share relevant content: Share articles, videos, and other content related to your certificate on LinkedIn. This will help you stay up-to-date on the latest trends in your field and show potential employers and recruiters that you’re passionate about your work.
  • Engage with others: Like, comment, and share posts from other LinkedIn users who are sharing content related to your certificate. This will help you build relationships with other professionals in your field and stay connected to the latest news and trends.

By sharing your certificates in posts and articles on LinkedIn, you’re positioning yourself as an expert in your field and attracting the attention of potential employers and recruiters. This can help you stand out from other candidates and land your dream job.

Keep certificates up-to-date.

In today’s rapidly changing job market, it’s important to keep your skills and qualifications up-to-date. This includes keeping your certificates current and relevant to your field.

  • Renew your certificates regularly: Many certificates have expiration dates. Be sure to renew your certificates before they expire to maintain your skills and credibility.
  • Earn new certificates as needed: As you progress in your career, you may need to earn new certificates to keep up with the latest trends and technologies. Stay informed about new certificate programs in your field and consider earning certificates that complement your existing skills and qualifications.
  • Update your resume and LinkedIn profile: As you earn new certificates, be sure to update your resume and LinkedIn profile to reflect your new skills and qualifications. This will help potential employers and recruiters see that you’re committed to your professional development and that you have the skills and knowledge they’re looking for.
  • Use your certificates in your job search: When you’re applying for jobs, be sure to highlight your certificates in your resume and cover letter. You can also mention your certificates in interviews to show potential employers that you have the skills and knowledge they need.

By keeping your certificates up-to-date, you’re making yourself a more attractive candidate for jobs and promotions. You’re also showing potential employers and recruiters that you’re committed to your professional development and that you have the skills and knowledge they’re looking for.

Use keywords for searchability.

When adding certificates to your resume and LinkedIn profile, it’s important to use relevant keywords so that potential employers and recruiters can easily find your profile. Here are some tips for using keywords effectively:

  • Research in-demand skills: Identify the skills and qualifications that are in demand in your field. You can do this by reading job postings, talking to recruiters, and networking with other professionals.
  • Use keywords in your certificate descriptions: When writing the descriptions for your certificates, be sure to include relevant keywords that potential employers and recruiters may be searching for. Focus on the skills and knowledge that you gained from the certificate program.
  • Use keywords in your skills and endorsements: When adding skills and endorsements to your LinkedIn profile, be sure to use relevant keywords. This will help your profile appear in more search results.
  • Use keywords in your resume and cover letter: When writing your resume and cover letter, be sure to include relevant keywords related to your certificates. This will help potential employers see that you have the skills and qualifications they’re looking for.

By using keywords effectively, you can make your resume and LinkedIn profile more visible to potential employers and recruiters. This can help you stand out from other candidates and land your dream job.


Have questions about adding certificates to your resume and LinkedIn profile? Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions:

Question 1: Where should I add my certificates on my resume?
Answer 1: Add your certificates to the “Education” or “Certifications” section of your resume. If you don’t have a dedicated section for certificates, you can create one. Place it prominently near the top of your resume, below your contact information and professional summary.

Question 2: What information should I include for each certificate?
Answer 2: For each certificate, include the following information: certificate name, issuing institution, date earned, and a brief description of the skills and knowledge you gained.

Question 3: Should I add a link to my online certificate?
Answer 3: Yes, if you have an online certificate, add a link to it on your resume and LinkedIn profile. This will make it easy for potential employers and recruiters to verify your skills and qualifications.

Question 4: How can I add my certificates to my LinkedIn profile?
Answer 4: To add your certificates to your LinkedIn profile, go to your profile page and click the “Add Profile Section” button. Select “Certifications” and enter the certificate name, issuing institution, and date earned. You can also add a link to your online certificate.

Question 5: Should I share my certificates in posts and articles on LinkedIn?
Answer 5: Yes, sharing your certificates in posts and articles on LinkedIn is a great way to showcase your skills and knowledge and position yourself as an expert in your field.

Question 6: How can I keep my certificates up-to-date?
Answer 6: To keep your certificates up-to-date, renew them regularly if they have expiration dates. You can also earn new certificates as needed to keep up with the latest trends and technologies in your field.

Question 7: How can I use keywords to make my certificates more searchable?
Answer 7: When writing the descriptions for your certificates, use relevant keywords that potential employers and recruiters may be searching for. Focus on the skills and knowledge that you gained from the certificate program. Also, use relevant keywords in your skills and endorsements on LinkedIn, and in your resume and cover letter.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ

By following these tips, you can effectively add your certificates to your resume and LinkedIn profile and showcase your skills and qualifications to potential employers and recruiters.

In addition to the information provided in the FAQ, here are a few bonus tips for adding certificates to your resume and LinkedIn profile:


Here are a few bonus tips for adding certificates to your resume and LinkedIn profile:

Tip 1: Choose relevant certificates. When choosing certificates to add to your resume and LinkedIn profile, select those that are relevant to your career goals and demonstrate your skills and knowledge. Consider job requirements, industry trends, and your personal development goals.

Tip 2: Add a brief description. In addition to the certificate name, issuing institution, and date earned, add a brief description of each certificate on your resume and LinkedIn profile. Highlight the skills and knowledge you gained and how they relate to the job you’re applying for.

Tip 3: Link to online certificates. If you have an online certificate, add a link to it on your resume and LinkedIn profile. This will make it easy for potential employers and recruiters to verify your skills and qualifications.

Tip 4: Use keywords for searchability. Use relevant keywords in the descriptions of your certificates, skills and endorsements on LinkedIn, and in your resume and cover letter. This will help potential employers and recruiters find your profile and see that you have the skills and qualifications they’re looking for.

Closing Paragraph for Tips

By following these tips, you can make your certificates stand out and showcase your skills and qualifications to potential employers and recruiters.

Remember, adding certificates to your resume and LinkedIn profile is just one part of a successful job search. Make sure you also have a strong resume and cover letter, and practice your interviewing skills.


In today’s competitive job market, it’s more important than ever to showcase your skills and qualifications to potential employers and recruiters. Adding certificates to your resume and LinkedIn profile is a great way to do this.

Certificates demonstrate your knowledge and skills in a specific area, and they can help you stand out from other candidates. When adding certificates to your resume and LinkedIn profile, be sure to choose relevant certificates, add a brief description of each certificate, link to online certificates, and use keywords for searchability.

By following these tips, you can effectively add certificates to your resume and LinkedIn profile and showcase your skills and qualifications to potential employers and recruiters.

Closing Message

Remember, earning certificates is an investment in your career. By continuously learning and developing new skills, you can stay ahead of the competition and achieve your career goals.

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