How To Decorate Child Friendly Plastic Eggs For Your Easter Tree

How To Decorate Child Friendly Plastic Eggs For Your Easter Tree – I know that the celebration of Easter will be different for everyone this year due to the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19). But you can still have fun at home with your family. Here are 5 great ways to decorate Easter eggs with children when you are at home during the pandemic. I made some of these eggs last year for a segment on Good Day Tampa Bay on Fox 13 News. We used plastic and wooden eggs for the boys, but you can also use hard-boiled eggs. Decorate these cool Easter eggs with the kids. Note: The color is not safe to consume, so if you peel your eggs and notice any color on them, do not eat them.

Splatter Paint Eggs Supplies: Acrylic paint (Easter colors), small bowls, water, brush, hard-boiled or craft eggs, shoe box Directions: Start by adding a drop of acrylic paint to a small bowl. Add enough water to thin the paint. Then place an egg inside the shoe box. Use a small brush to spread the paint over the bowl.

How To Decorate Child Friendly Plastic Eggs For Your Easter Tree

How To Decorate Child Friendly Plastic Eggs For Your Easter Tree

Materials: baking soda, vinegar, powdered tempera paint, pliers, plastic storage container with lid (4 fl oz) for each paint color, hardboiled or plastic craft eggs Directions: Start by pouring baking soda into the storage container so the bottom is covered.. Then add a spoonful of powdered tempera paint . Mix until the color and baking powder are well combined. Place hard-boiled or plastic eggs in a container with baking powder and food coloring. I put vinegar in a small bowl and gave it to my son. This is a great way to get toddlers and preschoolers involved in this activity. Slowly pour the vinegar into the container. If using a plastic egg, hold it down with a plastic spoon or finger so the mixture can cover it. Finally, remove the eggs with scissors and place them in an egg carton or on a wire rack to dry.

Cool Ways To Decorate Easter Eggs

Materials: plastic storage containers with lids (4 fl oz) for each color, long-grain rice, food coloring (gel), hard-boiled or craft eggs, disposable gloves or mittens. Directions: Start by measuring out 1/4 cup of rice and dump into a plastic storage container. Add 5-6 drops of food coloring to the rice. Then have your child put a lid on the container and shake to mix well. Remove the lid and then add the cereal to the container. Cover your child and shake the container. Finally, use gloves or leather to remove it and let it dry. Note: If you don’t have a plastic container, use a resealable bag for this activity.

How To Decorate Child Friendly Plastic Eggs For Your Easter Tree

Glitter Egg Accessories: Plastic or wooden craft eggs, paper plates or small bowls, glitter, sequins, craft glue, paper cups, foam brush, toothpick, egg carton or tray Directions: First, paper plates or bowls, filled with glitter and sequins. Next, pour a small amount of craft glue into a paper cup. Let your child brush glue on the egg. Roll them in the glaze, shaking off the excess. For sequins, use a toothpick to add them to the egg. Place eggs in egg cartons or on a tray to dry.

Supplies for Paint Drop Eggs: Unlined plastic craft eggs, paint in squeeze bottles (mine bought from IKEA), toothpick, foam board Directions: Start by inserting a toothpick into each egg, then place it on the foam board. Then press the color over the eggs and watch the colors mix together. Finally, dry the egg on a foam board and then use it as a decoration or math activity with the kids. This was definitely my favorite way to decorate Easter eggs.

How To Decorate Child Friendly Plastic Eggs For Your Easter Tree

Creative Ways To Decorate Easter Eggs: Fun Easter Egg Designs For Kids & Adults

Looking for more ways to decorate Easter eggs? Check out my previous blog post featuring Tampa Bay’s Moms or these cool tie-dye Easter eggs. Plastic Easter eggs seem to increase every year. Don’t throw them away or save them for next year. Why not reuse those eggs for these plastic Easter egg crafts and activities? There are many fun and creative ways to use plastic Easter eggs. With a few simple supplies and a little imagination, turn them into a special… A craft, a game or a decoration.

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How To Decorate Child Friendly Plastic Eggs For Your Easter Tree

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Best Easter Egg Decoration Ideas

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How To Decorate Child Friendly Plastic Eggs For Your Easter Tree

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How To Decorate Child Friendly Plastic Eggs For Your Easter Tree

How To Make Blue & White Easter Eggs

Any cookie that may not be strictly necessary for the website to function and that is used specifically to collect users’ personal data for analysis, advertising, other added content is called a non-essential cookie. User consent must be obtained before these cookies run on your website. If you haven’t gone beyond packaged dyes, check out these Easter egg ideas for a new take on the tradition. And be sure to bookmark my collection of Easter activities for toddlers and preschoolers so you have tons of Easter ideas on hand!

Easter can be the most creative holiday for children, with Easter egg decorating topping the list of fun activities. So if you’re looking for some new Easter egg ideas, you’ve come to the right place! I’ve collected some of the most creative ways you and the kids can decorate your eggs.

How To Decorate Child Friendly Plastic Eggs For Your Easter Tree

Crack the eggs and be creative with your children! These Easter egg decorating ideas range from clean to messy, simple to wildly colorful, but all allow for hands-on artistic fun.

Easter Egg Fillers For Toddlers: 13 Non Candy Stuffers

Wondering what your kids will learn? Lots of hand-eye coordination, dexterity, creative thinking and some problem solving. But really, we’re just enjoying hanging out and having fun with these Easter diamond ideas!

How To Decorate Child Friendly Plastic Eggs For Your Easter Tree

Easter eggs are the perfect canvas for these cute diamond painting ideas. Grab your colors and have some colorful fun with the kids!

This hand painting project is a great way to combine process art with Easter eggs. If you use the recommended craft eggs, they will last for years.

How To Decorate Child Friendly Plastic Eggs For Your Easter Tree

Easter Egg Activities For Kids

Jazz up some brown eggs with this easy egg craft idea that can be made with any type of egg.

Why not make some tie-dyed eggs!? Your kids will love the process, and the end result will look beautiful.

How To Decorate Child Friendly Plastic Eggs For Your Easter Tree

Paint Easter eggs in a bag with this amazing no-mess hand painting project! It’s also a great way to practice color matching.

Coolest Easter Egg Designs To Wow Your Guests (2023 Update)

Liquid watercolors look great on pretty much any surface, and they’re colorful and vibrant on these Liquid Watercolor Painted Eggs. We have used this method for many years. Kids love it all the time!

How To Decorate Child Friendly Plastic Eggs For Your Easter Tree

For a super fun idea to paint Easter eggs, try gluing eggs! Browse through tutorials and ideas for glittery Easter eggs here.

These Galaxy Easter Eggs are out of this world! (I couldn’t resist.) But really, I’m sure your kids will get one

How To Decorate Child Friendly Plastic Eggs For Your Easter Tree

Fizzy Easter Eggs For Kids

Drop dyed eggs use plain old dyes or food coloring as you normally would, but in a completely different way. Also, be sure to use the nifty little setting to rest while they dry!

Pencil pens are a less invasive way to make a marker look colorful. So why not give crayon decoration to Easter eggs this spring?

How To Decorate Child Friendly Plastic Eggs For Your Easter Tree

Dark decoration does not end with colors and shades. Better grab a dozen extra eggs when you’re at the store, because these Easter egg ideas will keep the kids coming back for more.

Paint Pen Easter Eggs Easy Kids Craft

If you’ve tried crayon Easter eggs, these melted crayon Easter eggs take ideas to a whole new level! This is another idea we’ve loved over the years.

How To Decorate Child Friendly Plastic Eggs For Your Easter Tree

Learn how to make an egg chalkboard with your kids using these cool Easter egg ideas. They can build and rebuild to their heart’s content.

Kids will try to use stickers for any occasion, so these sticker-resistant Easter eggs are a great opportunity for them to learn a new decorating technique.

How To Decorate Child Friendly Plastic Eggs For Your Easter Tree

Fun And Easy Ways To Decorate Easter Eggs

If you’ve never tried marbled Easter eggs, I highly recommend it. The children are fascinated by the process and the eggs turn out beautiful!

Part science, part craft, these volcanically colored Easter eggs give you the most vibrant and colorful results. This is another one of our most favorite Easter egg ideas. I can not either

How To Decorate Child Friendly Plastic Eggs For Your Easter Tree

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