Rehomed My Dog

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For most pet parents, the thought of giving up their beloved pet is heartbreaking. But sometimes, when circumstances change, even the most devoted animal lovers have to make a difficult choice: replace their dog, cat or other pet.

Rehomed My Dog

Rehomed My Dog

When Lisa Chernick’s elderly father was diagnosed with cancer last year, the family quickly realized they were struggling to care for their 65-pound dog, Boge. Bogey, a 12-year-old Golden Retriever with an ailing father, didn’t get much activity or playtime, and the family didn’t have the energy or resources to properly care for him. So they looked to come home and soon found the perfect new family for Bogey.

I Need To Give Up My Dog! What Can I Do?

“Bogey has gone to his new home, where he has another sister dog and three young children to play with and walk with him every day,” Chernick said. “It was like he made an unexpected second move at the end of his life.”

Bogey’s story illustrates perhaps one of the biggest misconceptions about rehoming dogs or cats. Rehoming a pet should never be taken lightly, nor is it a selfish act; it is often in the best interest of both the animal and the previous parents. “It’s not about giving up your pets,” says Dana Puglisi, chief marketing officer of, the nonprofit behind Rehome, a national peer-to-peer adoption program launched in 2017. luck’ This really ensures that they will be well cared for and loved.

There are many resources and lots of expert advice that can help you avoid re-homing your pet (more below). But if you must, this guide to rehoming dogs and cats can help you through the process so that everyone wins in the end.

Puglisi explains that rehoming a pet is essentially “a pet going from a loving home to another loving home.” “A shelter animal is not an adoptable pet. This is a pet that is already home and going to another loving family.”

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Pet parents sometimes use their connections to find a suitable adopter and return their pet to them. However, animal advocates recommend using a rehoming service to ensure the process is safe. Working with an established animal organization like Rehome by can widen the pool of potential new parents for your pet, and animal groups are also adept at vetting unprofessional or dangerous candidates.

“We see Rehome as a safety net,” Puglisi said. “This shouldn’t be your first move, it should be your last. We want pets to stay in their homes when they can – Rehome is here when they can’t.”

Relocating your pet should be a last resort. There are many resources you can use to help you stay at home, including:

Rehomed My Dog

Puglisi admits there is some stigma and shame surrounding the pet rehoming process, but finding a home for your pet has benefits for them, you and your entire community.

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First, rehoming ensures that the pet does not enter the shelter system. Shelter staff and volunteers work hard to care for their animals, but the shelter environment can be stressful for many pets. “It’s a very unfamiliar environment. It’s loud. There’s a lot of barking and different sounds, different smells that are just not familiar to them,” Puglisi said. Also, keeping your pet out of the shelter not only helps your pet, but allows the limited space in the shelter to go to homeless pets. .

Through research programs like Rehome, you can also find comfort in meeting your pet’s new family. “You can really develop a relationship with the person you adopt. We’ve heard stories of people connecting with each other and then seeing their pets, even if they weren’t theirs,” says Frances Vega, marketing partnership manager at Adopt-

Plus, because you have a hand in choosing your pet’s new home life, you’ll get to see firsthand what new adopters can provide for them. Let your new dog parents work from home and have a fenced yard for lots of quality time and activity while your job keeps you out of the house 12 hours a day. Knowing that your furry friend will thrive with his new family makes it easier to say goodbye.

And of course, with the right family, your pet will receive the care they need to live out their lives, perhaps the greatest benefit of all.

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The relocation process will vary depending on the organization you choose to work for. How it works through Rehome by; other local or regional networks often follow similar steps.

First, a pet parent creates an adoption profile using Rehome, sharing everything from their pet’s interests, personality and behaviors to specific quirks or traits (i.e. likes scratches; not a fan of cats; would do in a house without children). They can also add photos and videos, which are great for showing off the pet’s personality, Vega explains. Once posted, this profile will appear in’s search results (among shelter and rescue animals) for the site’s millions of potential users to see.

Prospective pet parents interested in your pet’s profile fill out an application, sharing information about themselves and their family, why they’re looking for a pet, and other questions.

Rehomed My Dog

Current pet parents can review applications and contact potential adopters directly for more information.’s Rehome Experts will provide tips and smart questions to ask applicants. They’ll also offer tips on what a good response might look like and a “red flag,” so anxious pet parents know what to look for and what to avoid.

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When you decide to choose the perfect new home for your pet, both parties sign a document that makes the adoption legally binding, an added security measure that makes rehoming through a service like Rehome a better option than doing it yourself same. With Rehome, you also have the option of providing your pet’s new parents with veterinary records.

Does it cost money to rehome a pet? No, it doesn’t cost you anything to find a new home for your pet; in fact, according to animal groups, your pet’s future family should always pay for the privilege of giving it a home. You should never adopt a pet for free. While it’s tempting to cast a wide net of potential adopters by offering your dog a “good home for free,” it can invite potentially dangerous candidates. “You don’t know why someone is looking for a pet at no cost, how many pets there are, and for what reason,” says Puglisi.

Also, when screening adopters, asking for a fee can be seen as an indication that a potential pet parent has the means to care for a pet long-term. “If you can’t pay the nominal adoption fee, what would you do if there was a big vet bill or some kind of unexpected expense?” Puglisi asks. Paying a fee is an indication that the person is serious about caring for their pet, rather than making an impulsive decision.

When you adopt through Rehome, this fee goes directly to expanding and improving the Rehome program, or to a shelter or rescue if the organization refers a former parent to the Rehome program.

Rehoming A Dog: When It’s Time & How To Responsibly Rehome’s Rehome program currently enrolls 15,000 to 17,000 pets per month nationwide. There are many pets in need of new homes, and for many prospective pet parents, adopting a pet again is their family’s first decision.

Many rehomed animals are adult dogs and cats, which can be a great solution for animal lovers who don’t have the bandwidth to, say, potty train or hide their chews from a wild puppy. Older pets often outgrow these problems, Puglisi says.

Some groups allow prospective pet parents to fill out applications in advance. That way, when the right animal arrives, you are vetted and approved.

Rehomed My Dog

The search for your new pet continues. Browse hundreds of thousands of pet profiles available from 19,000 animal shelters and rescues, as well as private owners, using Rehome on or with your local shelter or rescue. Any pet with a profile on that says “in the care of a private owner” is a rehomed pet and can apply for adoption directly from the bio. You can also follow your favorite shelters and rescues on social media to find opportunities to foster or adopt an animal if it returns to their care.

Rehoming A Dog In The Uk: 10 Things You Need To Know

The process of adopting a pet will vary from organization to organization, but typically includes filling out an application, answering questions about your pet’s lifestyle, and paying an adoption fee. Learn more about the pet adoption process.

In addition to the standard application form questions, many pet parents will also want to get to know you beforehand

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