Relationship Weight Gain Meme

Relationship Weight Gain Meme – I’ve seen people talk about a healthy relationship weight and I never thought it was real.

I won’t lie, but I’m starting to see weight gain in “healthy relationships” and I think the problem is that most of our dates revolve around/eating good food. We also drink a lot, which is definitely a big factor… All those cocktails are not good ☝🏻😮‍💨

Relationship Weight Gain Meme

Relationship Weight Gain Meme

Either way, we are definitely making some changes because none of us feel better with this lifestyle. So here are some tips you can do to make small changes:

A Colorful Neighborhood With The Right Mix Of Grit And Glam” — Bobby Hold Weighs In On The West Side

01 Incorporating Walking 💖🚶‍♀️— One of the easiest ways to get cardio is by walking on our dates. For example, the other day me and my partner had dinner at lau pa sat so we decided to walk home from there and see how far we could go 🙋🏽‍♀️ Maybe we were a bit extreme but we went all the way went back which was 14 km 😂

Relationship Weight Gain Meme

02 training days 🏋️‍♀️💦 — So, as an alternative to the date, you can add a joint workout 🧚‍♀️ We try to make Sunday a reset day, where we train in the morning on an empty stomach before having a healthy brunch.

03 Stay in and cook dinner together 🥙🍴 – Another cute date night alternative is to cook dinner together. Staying home and cooking makes it easier to track calories and control portions. You can even pair it with a glass of wine 🍷 This is definitely something we do a lot now instead of eating out or ordering in during the week! 🧚‍♀️’I did everything to support her to lose weight.’ A guy, frustrated that his girlfriend is trying to lose weight, wonders if he’s crossing a line

Relationship Weight Gain Meme

When Your Eatup Weight Gain Goes To All The Right Places

This guy reached the end of his girlfriend’s diet, now he’s wondering if he’s gone too far, and the internet has given him the definitive answer.

Trending on the popular Reddit subreddit “Am I the A-Hole,” Redditor u/Unlucky_Revolution27 shared his friend’s story. He is increasingly concerned about his girlfriend’s weight gain and says he has gotten her permission to get her back in shape.

Relationship Weight Gain Meme

Commentators were quick to put him on the spot and made their thoughts on the matter clear in several lengthy comments. They made it clear that his girlfriend should reconsider their relationship.

Falling In Love Makes You Fat? Ridiculous. Merely

“YTA. Have you thought about asking her what makes her want to eat and f*ck?” answered Reddit user andravens. “You offer all kinds of support for the physical and nothing for the mental and emotional. If you are only concerned about why she is gaining weight because of her appearance and a passing concern for her physical health, you need to take a step back and reevaluate your priorities. There’s something deeper at play; if you care about her and love her, the weight loss discussion will drop. Start talking to her about what’s going on that’s making her upset, stressed or depressed.’

Relationship Weight Gain Meme

“He doesn’t care about the mental and emotional because you can’t ‘see’ them. He only cares about the physical because he’s a little a-hole.’ other users answered.

Sounds a lot like the date that lost it when his date ate too big a salad.

Relationship Weight Gain Meme

My Partner Keeps Telling Me I’m Fat. Is It Really For My Own Sake?

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Relationship Weight Gain Meme

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Memes About Weight Loss Struggles

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