Symptoms Of Immune System Disorder

Symptoms Of Immune System Disorder – The autoimmune disease lupus can affect almost any part of your body, so symptoms can be wide-ranging and confusing.

Some diseases are easy to detect, while others require more medical attention – and symptoms are the symptoms that doctors look for.

Symptoms Of Immune System Disorder

Symptoms Of Immune System Disorder

When it comes to the autoimmune disease lupus, there are so many different symptoms that can affect so many different parts of the body that it can take months or years for someone to get a proper diagnosis.

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“Even among specialists, we don’t always see what lupus is,” says Peter Azmirelli, director of outpatient rheumatology at Bellevue Hospital Center in New York and director of the New York University Hospital for Joint Diseases. Loops Center.

Symptoms Of Immune System Disorder

It is known that lupus is a chronic disease in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks and causes inflammation, which can affect many organs and tissues. In fact, lupus can affect almost any part of the body.

Lupus disproportionately affects young women and is more common in certain ethnic groups such as African Americans and Asians. Scientists still don’t know what causes lupus, but they believe a combination of genes, environmental exposures, and other unknown risk factors contribute. People living with lupus may experience periods when the disease is inactive and symptoms are few or absent. But they also have to deal with lupus, where symptoms appear suddenly or worsen. Read more facts about lupus here.

Symptoms Of Immune System Disorder

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There is no single diagnostic test for lupus. A thorough medical history, blood tests, and sometimes a skin biopsy can help doctors determine whether lupus is responsible for your symptoms.

The American College of Rheumatology lists 11 criteria for lupus to help doctors make a diagnosis. According to a recent article published in a medical journal

Symptoms Of Immune System Disorder

These criteria allow for 330 different symptom combinations and laboratory tests for diagnosis. “Now a group is working on revising the criteria for lupus, which I hope will make the diagnosis easier,” says Dr. Azmirli.

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A characteristic rash on the face and nose (called a malaria rash) is one of the most recognizable symptoms of lupus, although this symptom is not always obvious. “Sometimes you can see similar rashes in other skin conditions like dermatomyositis and rosacea,” says Dr. Azmirli.

Symptoms Of Immune System Disorder

A discoid rash—raised, red, and crusty—is also associated with lupus. If not treated properly, it can leave scars and when it occurs on the scalp it can cause hair loss and bald spots.

Swollen, painful joints that look like rheumatoid arthritis can be a sign of lupus, but it’s not always easy to tell the two conditions apart. “Even when experienced rheumatologists examine a young woman with arthritis in her hands, it may not be easy to determine whether it’s lupus or rheumatoid arthritis,” says Dr. Azmirli. Learn more about the difference between RA and lupus here.

Symptoms Of Immune System Disorder

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According to the Lupus Research Alliance, many people with lupus occasionally experience an unexplained fever with a temperature above 100 degrees (meaning the fever is not related to another condition).

Unexplained weight loss—not due to diet, other illnesses, or a side effect of medication—may be a sign of lupus.

Symptoms Of Immune System Disorder

Along with cough and arthritis, kidney problems are the most common manifestations of lupus. But patients may be unaware of this problem. For example, there may be blood in the urine, but microscopic amounts can only be detected by laboratory tests. or high blood pressure, which is not related to kidney disease.

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Kidney inflammation can cause fluid retention, which can cause swelling and swelling in the feet, legs, hands, and sometimes feet. And while weight loss can be a sign of lupus, weight gain from fluid retention can also be a sign of the disease.

Symptoms Of Immune System Disorder

Sores on the roof of the mouth are common with lupus, but unlike the burn you get from eating a hot slice of pizza, these sores are painless. You may never know they are there unless you or your doctor looks for them.

Fatigue is a symptom of many, many medical conditions, and it is one of the most common symptoms of lupus. According to the Lupus Research Alliance, 50 to 90 percent of people with lupus report fatigue as their primary symptom.

Symptoms Of Immune System Disorder

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Anemia caused by a breakdown of red blood cells, low white blood cells, or a low platelet count can be a sign of red blood cell anemia. And because lupus symptoms can take months or years to develop, these problems may not be immediately linked to lupus. “A teenager can be diagnosed with low platelets because they bruise easily,” says Dr. Azmirli. “But they have no other symptoms. Then months or years later, they develop a rash or arthritis and are diagnosed with lupus, and you look at the record and a low platelet count was the first symptom of lupus. You cry.

Sun exposure can cause or worsen lupus, and it can worsen other lupus symptoms.

Symptoms Of Immune System Disorder

People with rubella are at risk of developing Raynaud’s disease, a condition in which the small blood vessels in the hands (and sometimes the legs) suddenly constrict and turn white, then blue, when exposed to cold. or suffer from stress. It is estimated that one in three people with lupus also have Raynaud’s disease.

Common Symptoms Of Immune System Disorders

According to the Lupus Foundation of America, lupus patients may experience migraine-like attacks twice as often as the general population. Headaches can be caused by vasculitis, an inflammation of the blood vessels, which is also a symptom of lupus.

Symptoms Of Immune System Disorder

Psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression and even less common psychosis are associated with lupus. “It’s rare and unheard of for someone to develop psychosis, but it does happen,” says Dr. Azmirli. “A few years ago, a patient was admitted to the hospital with psychosis, but someone did a CAT scan and saw fluid around the heart. They called us and we ran lab tests that were consistent with lupus.

When lupus affects the central nervous system, including the brain, it can cause a variety of problems, including confusion or difficulty concentrating, vision problems, seizures, and stroke. The effects of lupus on the brain, along with problems caused by lupus attacks on the kidneys, are among the most serious symptoms of the disease.

Symptoms Of Immune System Disorder

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Any disease caused by this type of immune response is called an “autoimmune disease.” Important examples include celiac disease, post-infectious IBS, type 1 diabetes, Hloch Scholein Pupura (HSP), sarcoidosis, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Sjögr’s syndrome, eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis, Hashimoto’s granulomatosis, Hashimoto’s, IBS, IBS , Hashimoto’s, IBS, IBS, ,,, Addison’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), ankylosing spondylitis, polymyositis (PM), dermatomyositis (DM), and multiple sclerosis (MS). Autoimmune diseases are often treated with steroids.

Symptoms Of Immune System Disorder

Autoimmunity refers to the presence of antibodies or T cells that react with self-proteins and are present in all people, even in normal health. When the self-reaction causes tissue damage, it causes autoimmune diseases.

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In the late 19th century, it was believed that the immune system could not react against the body’s own tissues. Paul Ehrlich proposed the ominous concept of autotoxicity at the turn of the 20th century. Ehrlich later modified his theory to include the possibility of autoimmune tissue attacks, but believed that certain natural defense mechanisms prevented the autoimmune response from becoming pathological.

Symptoms Of Immune System Disorder

In 1904, this theory was challenged by the discovery of a substance in the serum of patients with paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria that reacted with red blood cells. In the following decades, a number of conditions may be associated with an autoimmune response. However, the authoritative position of Ehrlich’s postulates hindered the understanding of these findings. Immunology has become a biochemical rather than a clinical science.

Rather, it is accepted that autoimmune reactions are an integral part of the vertebrate immune system (sometimes referred to as “innate autoimmunity”).

Symptoms Of Immune System Disorder

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While high levels of autoimmunity are unhealthy, low levels of autoimmunity can actually be beneficial. It can be hypothesized with intt to further clarify the experience of the beneficial factor of autoimmunity and prove that autoimmunity is always a self-defense mechanism for the survival of the mammalian system. The system does not randomly lose the ability to distinguish between self and non-self; Attacks on cells may result in metabolic processes that are necessary to maintain blood chemistry in homeostasis.

Second, autoimmunity may play a role in ensuring a rapid immune response in the early stages of infection, as the presence of foreign antigens limits the response (ie, when the pathogen is scarce). In their study, Stefanova et al. (2002) injected anti-MHC class II antibodies into mice expressing a variant of the MHC class II molecule (H-2).

Symptoms Of Immune System Disorder

Transient inhibition of CD4 + T cell-MHC interactions. simple

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