Webnovel Test1108 18 Vip 20190619 06

Webnovel Test1108 is a Webnovel created by xujin_1985.
This lightnovel is currently ongoing.

On the colossalSt. Ancestral Mountain range,sunlight shined through the gap between the mountains into the deep canyons.On the hillside beside the valley, some snowremained .**** though it’s already the early summer, the snow has yet to melt. The cold here is exceptionally long.The roars of beasts can occasionally be heard.On the surface of the valley stood a magnificent city.The world outside of the St. Ancestral Mountains has been occupied by the beasts.The people living in the mountain range have not contacted the outside world for hundreds of years.The people who live in the city are unsure of the situation of the outside world. It’s been recorded that at the most glorious period of mankind, having thousands of Legend rank Fighters and Demon Spiritualists, the humans established many empires in the vast continent, but those empires have been wiped out.The city, due to being stealthily located geographically, was well preserved from the Age of dark22. They would occasionally encounter attacks from powerful Snow Wind Beasts within the St. Ancestral Mountains, however, after going through numerous devastating conflicts, the city was be rebuilt again and again.These motley walls were an indomitable monument.This city is called Glory City, and it is a symbol of hope for humanity.Holy Orchid Inst.i.tute, Fighter Apprentice cla.s.sOver thirty students are sitting down and are awaiting to listen to the female ******* as she imparts her knowledge. The students are a bunch of Fighter Apprentices. They are Glory City’s Holy Orchid Inst.i.tute’s students.”I heard that the new *******, Shen Xiu, is one of the Sacred Family’s 3-star Silver rank Demon Spiritualists!”A few students were discussing softly among themselves.The attention of the students was focused on the *******. She had a tall figure, was wearing a lavender dress that wrapped tightly against her body, giving an emphasis of her perky chest. She had a pair of slender, white legs, and wore exquisite make-up that made her look beautiful and elegant. Her eyes were full of pride and arrogance. The Sacred Family is one of the three Major families of Glory City. Because she is of n.o.ble birth, and a 3-star Silver rank Demon Spiritualist, she naturally has the capital to be prideful.As a 3-star Silver rank Demon Spiritualist, she wouldn’t normally come here to teach. She only agreed to because her nephew is in this cla.s.s.”Demon Spiritualists and Fighters have five different ranks, which are: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Black Gold and Legend rank. Each rank is then divided into five levels, from 1-star to 5-star.”A Demon Spiritualist is above a Fighter. We are a truly n.o.ble existence. A Demon Spiritualist can form a soul realm within their dantian. They have the ability to integrate a captured demon into their soul realm and then merge with the demon in combat. This allows them to possess matchless strength, which is far above the strength Fighters could compete with.” Shen Xiu raised her chin and spoke arrogantly, “Just like me, my demon is a Scarlet Flame Fox.”Suddenly, Shen Xiu’s face and hands underwent drastic changes. Her facial shape became sharper, her teeth and nails also became sharper. Finally, a scarlet tail emerged from her back.”After merging with a demon, I can control its strength as well as gain fire-type abilities. Among the demons, the Scarlet Flame Fox is a Gold rank beast. This means that the highest level I can reach is Gold rank Demon Spiritualist. Of course, after becoming a Gold rank Demon Spiritualist, I can replace it with a more powerful demon.”When it came to her cultivation, the pride on Shen Xiu’s face became thicker.Shen Xiu’s words caused a group of students to be amazed. Gold rank Demon Spiritualists are existences beyond the reach for most of them.As Shen Xiu continued lecturing on the stage, Nie Li was sitting in the back row. His mind was in a trance as his soul floated around.After a while, Nie Li slowly opened his eyes. He couldn’t help being confused by the scene in front of him.”Where am I?” Nie Li quietly asked himself.He was utterly shocked as he realised that his hands became smaller and his skin became a lot more tender.Shen Xiu was on the stage, talking nonstop. Nie Li clearly remembered that this was the year he joined the inst.i.tute. The ******* lecturing was a 3-star Silver rank Demon Spiritualist and was extremely arrogant. Because of her, Nie Li was unwilling to learn for quite sometime.”I was actually reborn?” Nie Li was deeply shocked. He remembered being surrounded and attacked by the Sage Emperor and six Deity rank beasts and died in the battle. It seems his soul was reborn to the time when he was thirteen years old.Nie Li looked towards the side, and saw familiar faces: Lu Piao and Du Ze. These brothers that had shared life and ***** with him are alive, except their appearances were very immature.And her, Nie Li looked towards the left. A few meters away from him, a beautiful flawless face came into his field of vision. Her name is Ye Ziyun. Although her appearance is only thirteen-fourteen years old, she already looked slender and elegant with purple coloured hair pouring down to her waist. She had arched eyebrows, and an intelligent radiance was seen within her eyes. Whenever she smiled, she would have deep dimples.Although she looked a little childish, Nie Li knows that, when she grows up a bit more, she will be extremely beautiful and 

最终,李七夜选择了一个深潭,这个深潭宛如死水,深不见底,寒气逼人,站在潭边,让人不由打了个哆嗦.  ”轰——”当李七夜举行完了交易仪式之后,整个深潭涌出了如黑墨一样的光芒,一道道的黑芒如同魔剑一样,魔气冲天,让人不寒而厉,宛如是一位地下的恶魔出世一样.  ”舛——舛——舛——”当所有的黑芒交织在一起的时候,一阵阵阴笑声响起,黑芒之中踏出一个影子,无棺木,而且,这个影子一踏出来,全身黑雾萦绕,黑雾浓得像泼墨一样,怎么也化不开,而且在黑雾的笼罩之下,根本看不清这影子的模样,黑雾之中,有嘶叫咆哮之声,雾气变幻,宛如里面有洪荒凶兽要冲出来一样.  这个影子一踏出来,就是邪气冲天,南怀仁他们都不由打了个哆嗦,那种邪气直慑他们魂魄,他们觉得自己是被恶魔盯上一样.  ”舛——舛——舛——”这黑影一踏上来,就一阵阴笑,阴阴地说道:”天尸地使,本座虽听过,但,还是第一次见,小鬼,交上所有尸宝,本座或者会饶你不死!”  这宝主出来的第一句话顿时让所有人脸色一变,不论是李霜颜他们,还是牛奋他们这些老一辈的人,他们都没有想到这位宝主突然发难,不像老道士那样按规则来交易.  ”若是交易,我欢迎,若是想强夺豪夺,给我滚!”唯有李七夜老神在在,面对这魔气冲天的宝主依然从容不迫.  ”小东西,本座生前,名号足可以吓死你!”黑影阴阴地笑着说道.  李七夜悠然一笑,说道:”龙冥古朝的余孽而己,何足为道.今日你想交易,交出你龙冥古朝的那点遗产,否则,就给我滚回你墓中去.”  ”小鬼,你是何人——”这黑影顿时一声厉喝,如同打雷,就在这一刻,黑影出手了,一只黑手探来,如同鬼手一样直接向李七夜.  突然抓出来的鬼手可摄天地,可拿日月,可捕阴阳,一手之上,圣皇都魂飞.那怕这黑影已经是个死人,生机难存,但是,依然可怕得不可想象!  ”铛——铛——铛——”然而,就在生死关头,李七夜如狂风暴雨一样敲起了惊尸锣,这狂风暴雨的锣声响起之时,宛如擂打着大地,上惊天穹,下动地府.  ”啊——”一声惨叫响起,这把牛奋他们都吓了一大跳,以为李七夜被黑影抓住了,但是,看清眼前所发生的事情之时,他们都不由呆住了.  在大地之下,突然插出一只手来,一只干瘪如鸟爪长满了绿毛的大手从地下抓了出来,一下子抓住了黑暗,锋利无比的爪子刺穿了黑影,黑影凄厉惨叫一声.  黑影滴下了四滴的鲜血,鲜血无比的鲜艳,宛如是四颗血钻一样,四滴鲜血掉于在大地上的时候,一下子湮没,然后冒出了袅袅的青烟.  ”一血一年,埋了千百万年又如何,最终还不是还给天古尸地.”看着四滴鲜血落于大地上消失,李七夜从容地笑着说道.  ”噗——”随着那长满绿毛的大手一捏,黑影灰飞烟灭,连骨灰都没有留下,在这长满绿毛的大手之下,那怕是曾经凶名赫赫,横扫八方的存在也不足为道,如同捏死一只蚂蚁一样.  ”轰——”绿毛大手沉入了地下,而死潭也随之崩毁,这个地方沉陷,最终消失,变成了一个低洼之地.  ”一个风水宝地的崩灭,就有新的风水宝地诞生.”李七夜悠然地笑着说道:”狗改不了吃屎,千百万年过去,区区遗孽还真为以古冥为尊!不断你生路,都对不起我自己.”  众小被吓得双腿发软,那是一屁股坐在地上.而石敢当,屠不语他们听到李七夜的话,心里面不由为之一颤,李七夜一开始根本就没想跟对方交易,而是要屠掉对方,一开始李七夜就陷害这个风水宝地的宝主!  石敢当曾经是个凶人,屠不语曾行走八方,都是见过世面的人,此时他们都不由痛脊冷飕飕的,算计宝主,这只怕没有几个人敢想象的事情!  突然出现了长满绿毛的大手,不知道把这一带的多少地尸是吓坏了,此时,就算是再强大的地尸都躺在自己的巢穴中不敢出来.  ”绿毛大手是什么?”最能平静的就是李霜颜了,她已经见怪不怪了,清冷平静地问道.  ”规则,惩罚,天古尸地的铁律…你怎么样称呼它都行.”李七夜笑着说道:”我现在是地使,在这里作交易,所以,不论谁违背了交易,都会受到惩罚.”  ”刚才那,那是古冥!”牛奋都不由抽了一口冷气,说道:”他竟然来自于传说的龙冥古朝!这,这可是龙冥仙帝所建的古朝呀!”  ”余孽而己,人皇界,任何古冥敢放肆,都杀无赦!”李七夜从容地说道.  诸小不敢说话,而石敢当他们心里面为之一凛,他们感觉得到,李七夜对于古冥是有着一种说不出来的杀意!这好像他跟古冥有仇一样.  石敢当他们当然认为这是不可能的事情,古冥一族,在人皇界早就千百万年未出现过了,他一个十五六岁的少年,怎么可能与古冥族结仇呢!  ”天悠悠,地茫茫,路归路,桥归桥,天古地使交易到.神也好,鬼也好,地尸更是退三庙…”虽然众小乃至是李霜颜他们都有很多疑问,但是,李七夜并未回答,踏上了继续寻找风水宝地的征程.  翻过了一座座山之后,最终,李七夜选宝了第三个风水宝地,选定了第二位宝主.  这是一个古洞,古洞深不可测,当李七夜举行完了交易仪式之后,一阵阵轰鸣声响起,许久之后,众人看到有四具白骨抬头一副巨棺从古洞中走出来.  这副巨棺不得了,竟然用极为罕见的沉星天金所打造,极为珍贵,乃是炼道外奇兵的极品材料.  当巨棺放下的时候,轰鸣之声响起,连大地都摇晃了一下.巨棺之中走出了一个老人,童颜白发,虽穿布衣,但,却一尘不染,他从巨棺中走了出来,宛如是从画中走出来的老仙人一样,如果他不是双眼闭着,又是出现在这天古尸地,不然,还真让人难于相信眼前这个神仙一般的老人竟是死人.  ”有点意思,群仙阁的传人也不能免俗,竟然也想重生.”李七夜坐在地上,悠悠地说道.  听到”群仙阁”这个名字,众小倒好,但是,牛奋他们为之一凛,心里面为之一惊,群仙阁,极为神秘的存在,曾与战神殿齐名,但是,比战神殿更低调,世间很少人能见到群仙阁的弟子,但是,从群仙阁出来的弟子都是逆天之辈!  曾的群仙阁传人,这是何等的强大,是何等的可怕.  ”不孝子弟而己,愧对群仙阁三字.”尽管是埋在了这里的死人,然而,这个老人说话十分和蔼,让人感觉如春风拂脸一样.  李七夜笑了一下,从天古宝盒中取出一条并不是很长的茎根,茎根通体赤金,宛如神金打造一样,这段赤金一般的茎根宛如被蛀虫蛀过一样,有一个个小小的虫洞.  ”既然是出在群仙阁,那就不用我多说这根赤铁噬虫是生于天古尸地何处了吧.”李七夜把此物摆于面前,说道.  老人沉默了一下,然后缓缓取出了一个石塔放在了面前,石塔不大,甚至可以说是甚为粗糙,但是,却光滑不见棱角,宛如被人一次又一次打磨过一样.  ”玄古塔,一塔通幽,道外奇宝,上可锁大道,下可镇恶魔,曾在我手中打磨八万年!”老人徐徐地说道.  ”成交.”李七夜立即拿过了玄古塔,随手扔过了身后的石敢当,徐徐地说道:”既是为洗颜古派的客卿,就算是洗颜古派的见面礼.只要为洗颜古派效忠,洗颜古派不会亏待你!”  石敢当也没有想到宝物会有自己的份,他回过神来,急忙对李七夜拜了三拜,郑重敬恭,这是发自于内心的虔诚!  老人收下了赤铁噬虫根之后,他沉吟了一下,然后拿出了一件东西摆放在面前.  这是一面镜子,镜子古朴,不知道为何物所铸,镜面竟然是凹了下去,宛如是鱼嘴一样,当这面镜子一拿出来的时候,一股大贤气息扑面而来!  虽然这件镜子的大贤气息已经是极为收敛了,但是,依然是让天地动了一下,在场的诸人被这一缕的大贤气息压得喘不过气来.  ”鱼龙百变镜,鱼龙圣铜所铸,七文大道宝金,七文虽不成词,不成句,但,此宝器追随我一生,大贤宝器!”老人说道.  这话一出,让众小心里面都不由打了一个哆嗦,大贤宝器,这是何等的可怕,何等的强大,七文圣铜,这样的宝器太珍贵了,他们所知道的,在洗颜古派之中大长老手中有一把!(未完待续.如果您喜欢这部作品,欢迎您来起点(qidian.com)投推荐票,月票,您的支持,就是我最大的动力.手机用户请到m.qidian.com阅读.)

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